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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. but still nowhere near the amount that are nothing like that.
  2. no, they aren't. regardless, my main man peter is right on the symetry and that could be a fun show. by any chance is splitlip rayfield playing there anytime soon?
  3. well, that's the TRUTH...not the TIME. so, i take it you work at/for kinetic?
  4. OH HELLS YES! watched that clip and they still got it...the rhianna part sucked until she yelled 'chili sauce' and the entire stage busted it out.
  5. hardly. morris and jerome and maybe the keyboard player. i'll have to find a clip of that grammy deal.
  6. right on. you want to talk about scrutiny...should The Rock take office, he and those of us who clamored to get him into the white house better produce. it's been really easy the past 8 years to pick apart the 'other side', as the administration has done a horrible job no matter how you slice it...(hopefully) the shoe will be on the other foot and in much bigger way.
  7. if you're saying it's existence is the orchestration of republicans, it doesn't make any individual on either extreme less responsible for perpetuating it.
  8. whoa. the time played?!
  9. i have to add the proviso that they are ALL good and should ALL have a place in one's collection. while i love paul's solo work as well, it's not the replacements and, as stated, all shook down never really felt like a mats record.
  10. that's fair. i think we may just be off from what we consider a 'few'.
  11. going to have to disagree on this one. while i agree w/ everybody that the original post was nothing but a W infomercial, i also agree that a large contingent of those to the left leaning side of the political divide are no less intolerant, bigoted, smug, quick to stereotype, spin, etc. than anyone in the evil empire they rally against. really, nobody on either side wants to find the common ground that is much more realistic to how life actually is...they only want things to be as they see it. i'm a lot more moderate than i used to be...a lot of that is because of how put-off i am by the rig
  12. i figured as much, but that is the biggest dissapointment for me relative to this strike. some additional episodes of lost helps, but damn.
  13. i'll just say that starting at either 'let it be' OR 'tim' would be fine. i'm pretty torn on which of the two i'd consider my favorite.
  14. If that is the case, I like it even more. Telling people they can't take care of themselves or, at least, play a major part in being taken care of...doesn't do a damn thing to help anybody. Along w/ strong policy, we need a leader that makes people feel empowered again...to get people excited about being an American again.
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