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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. big difference between 'change' and 'resolve' and/or 'abolish'...these events also raised funds, funds that wouldn't have been there otherwise and at least, helped to change the scope of the problem.
  2. we can argue semantics, relative to whether the song itself or the song making someone act can change the world...but if music was a catalyst for change, whether it was solely responsible or not, it still changed something. what about sales/proceeds from a particular song, album, concert, etc going to a particular charity and/or issue? if the songs weren't there, there would be no album and/or show for said funds to be distributed from.
  3. gary, my thoughts and prayers go to you. i'm so sorry.
  4. Agreed, there is always room for a healthy level of skepticism in everything. That said, i'm just posting from the same article that does state, whether you believe it or not, that there is supposed to be some level of due process allowed.
  5. 2002-08-02 Wilco Riviera Theatre Chicago, IL 2003-07-03 Wilco Summerfest Milwaukee, WI 2003-09-19 Wilco Auditorium Theatre Chicago, IL 2003-09-20 Wilco Auditorium Theatre Chicago, IL 2004-05-19 Wilco Otto's DeKalb, IL 2004-05-20 Wilco Otto's DeKalb, IL 2004-06-12 Wilco The Vic Theater Chicago, IL 2004-08-02 Wilco Eagle's Ballroom Milwaukee, WI 2004-10-30 Wilco Auditorium Theatre Chicago, IL 2005-05-07 Wilco The Vic Theater Chicago, IL wow...has it really been that long since i saw them last?! hoping friday's show rekindles my interest in seeing them live.
  6. I don't even know how to respond to that. As I know how much it upsets you and, quite frankly, her passing upsets me...i'll just drop out of the conversation. Truly sorry for saying anything.
  7. well, the problem comes in when you try to apply a universal definition to 'helpling someone' and, even in this case, it's not that cut and dry...which is my problem. seems like there is a lot of over-simplification on this issue both pro and con...it makes people like myself, who agree in theory (but worry about it fucking up my coverage), kind of nervous.
  8. yes and i'm glad we're clear on that now.
  9. I'm fine with the concept, as long as I can continue w/ my exisiting coverage and no change to the care i'm receiving from it. Unfortunately, i'm still not convinced that would be the case.
  10. yes, that's exactly what he was saying. this thread is something.
  11. please stop turning every thread into an RTT...and making fun of my aunt.
  12. i don't put an extreme amount of faith in polls, especially at this stage...but when you throw in that the terrorism issue is not as high as it has been in the previous contest and the aforementione polarizing figure that (right or wrong) Hilary is even to those who would consider themselves Democrats...i think you are selling him way short.
  13. i didn't watch it last night, but i liked both the kanye and foo fighters performances i watched this morning.
  14. disco party under the stars on one of don cornelius's massive shoulder pads?
  15. dude, busy at work...keepin' one eye open still clockin' 'em...you know how it is. i'd like to attend a disco party under sthe stars on one of don cornelius's massive shoulder pads...i would dance so fucking hard.
  16. the jam in and of itself is the shit, but the cornelius breakdowns peppered in there are like christina aguilerra's boobs covered in money! or honey! or money and honey! i only remember seeing them do brass monkey on the train in 87 or whatever.
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