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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. okay guys, in all seriousness, i've been informned that if i continue this kind of riblad tomfoolery i will be taking a break from the board that is not self-imposed. let's just try to love each other and show some understanding. san dimas high school football rules. thanks, Ben Jahrvi
  2. c'mon now, i think we're getting somewhere. go censor somebody else!
  3. It's cool that I can actually mock and chuckle at the target of the post's ire. nope, my response may be out of context to wall-e, but not my man the maker...proven to be true (i keed).
  4. no references to fisher stevens or wynona ryder sleeping w/ anybody allowed. please keep it to how wilco has become money-grubbing sell outs only looking to rub shoulders w/ mega-stars like the guy who did the cupcake video versus meet their obligations to real, salt of the earth fans who are owed a concert this friday.
  5. if you are so poor, you may want to think twice about going to the movies. i'd at least wait until you can rent it.
  6. i love pixar and just about every little thing they've ever done...but i'm completely underwhelmed by the trailer myself. if the premise is tha there only two charachters, wall-e and whatever touches down on earth, it hits me as just a longer version of one of their shorts. little depth of charachter and story. that said, i'll probably still love it. bastards.
  7. do you put out? obviously not, they rescheduled the show.
  8. here's the thing, unless you actually had tickets to charleston show...of course these is going to be not a lack, but a DIFFERENT perspective. as i don't care that much about the rescheduling of a show i'm not attending NOR an appearance on SNL i'll forget about and watch on youtube the next day, i'll just be pragmatic and/or objective about the whole thing and look at from the band's perspective. the practicality from a business perspective of appearing on SNL over one regional show is blatantly obvious...100X more exposure which translates to additional album and ticket sales. then, co
  9. did you get the single or two-disc version? the two-disc has an interesting sounding feature titled 'the legion of doom: pathology of the super villain'. i was going to netflix, but now I might buy that version.
  10. every time i get one of those, i put it up on my fridge w/ little magnets shaped like David Foster Wallace making his 'O' face.
  11. And that, my friend, is why you will never be a true fan.
  12. Even more. I look forward to the day we can meet before a show and remember old times over beers.
  13. yes. nader would mop the floor with them in a landslide defeat. proven to be true.
  14. Even more. I look forward to the day we can meet before a show and remember old times over beers.
  15. ...but why doesn't he do more to publicly create a change in policy by actively working on it outside of his presidential bids as well? an election's official purpose is to elect an official...if he really has no intent of wanting to be elected president, then why run? how effective have his previous bids been in changing policy? again, i have no problem w/ him running if he actually wanted to be president.
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