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EL the Famous

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Everything posted by EL the Famous

  1. i'll send you $300 to drop the stupid doug bit.
  2. it costs more to take care of a family of four, especially when two of them can't work, than it does two. plus, you pay taxes on your income...if the kids aren't making money, why would you tax somebody for one of them? then again, i may be oversimplifying as well.
  3. we were the same way until the twins were born. now, come tax time, it's like the cartoons...i see them as little bags of money w/ legs, running around, bumping into stuff.
  4. no shit. i'm either looking at a healthy enough rebate to go completely pay of all credit card/store account-related debt (we don't have tons) or buying a hamburger or two.
  5. they saved the cheerleader...and thusly, saved the world.
  6. that desmond episode really was pretty boss and it actually got me really excited about watching the show again.
  7. i actually dress up as locke and/or kate to watch, just to get the full-on experience.
  8. 'Fuck, if you've GOT savings, shut up, whiz kid.'
  9. you buy low, sell high. you've sold low and will buy when it's high again. over-simplifying it, but that is kind of what it boils down to. as stated, it's only a true loss if you actually get rid of it as such. the point is, we have and will continue to experience various bouts w/ recession...if you aren't retiring for another XX years, you really have to ask yourself if tweaking your investments now will really affect you in the long-term. however, if that is what makes you feel safe, than don't worry about what anybody else is telling you. none of us have a crystal ball and you have play
  10. yep, you have to think long term in these situations. not trying to pile on though, pee...hope that works out for you.
  11. skin to win, edie...skin to win. c'mon, you two redirect so much bloodflow i pass out.
  12. damn, peter...does he do any poetry about the gordon gartrell?! if so, you better fly in for the 5 day residency in my living room i'll be negotiating w/ his people.
  13. i'd watch a cable netowork entirely devoted to janet jackson nipple shots...especially if they were interspaced w/ witty commentary from b-list WB stars and comedians nobdy has ever heard of. and MST3K re-runs.
  14. okay, production issues aside, i spun this a lot today while ponying up a review for my blog...this really is a great body of work. i actually liked his last one okay, but this really is a pretty amazing disc.
  15. yeah, that's one for the IRDB Pantheon of WTF?!
  16. i swear my son owen is already practicing to take Kobayashi down...the kid can put away hot dogs like there is a $50K check involved. as far as kate is concerned, while we are discussing the merits of physical attributes (of which you have plenty) in this particular thread...your passion and intelligence, as already stated, is extremely attractive. not as attractive as graham's lanky forearms and pectorals, but still pretty hot.
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