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Green River

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Everything posted by Green River

  1. Orkie would fit in quite well at Atease, actually.
  2. How much better does the album sound on the cd compared to the stream from their website. It sounds pretty good for 128 kbps so I can't imagine how good the real thing sounds.
  3. I might be better off not reading any music forums for awhile because all I can think about now is when I'm going to hear this album. No pun intended.
  4. Right now it's probably: A Ghost is Born Summerteeth Yankee Hotel Foxtrot Being There Sky Blue Sky Wilco (The Album) A.M.
  5. Gotta be careful. Lots of virus-filled blog downloads these days haha.
  6. Some people have the album now. A leak will probably happen sometime soon.
  7. Yeah, when I listen to an album, I like to listen to the finished product, exactly as the artist intended it to be. I usually put the bonus tracks in some other music folder on my computer. Likewise, I wouldn't want to watch a movie, and then have the deleted scenes start playing right after the final scene of the finished film, ya know?
  8. The From the Basement version of "Bloom" is outstanding. Channeling Remain in Light-era Talking Heads on that one.
  9. I think I enjoyed "Staircase" more when it was just a solo Thom song. The vocal melody worked better with the guitar part he was playing rather than the dance groove they have going on in this version, much like how I prefer the original Ether festival version of "Weird Fishes/Arpeggi" to the In Rainbows version. Sometimes when you change the arrangement of a song, you risk losing the spirit of it.
  10. It was a joke man. I'd love to hear them just go nuts on this album, but I mean they're obviously not going to write something like '2112'. Wilco (The Album) was such a tight and compact album (and likewise, so were its songs) that I'd love to hear them let loose on this one, especially if it can capture the energy they bring to their live shows, ya know?
  11. I just hope they aren't composing 15-20 minute prog-rock suites.
  12. It sounds like they've really mastered the ability to blend their influences together. Whereas past albums had 'electronic' songs and 'rock' songs, the first half of this album really combines it all together so effectively that the songs can't be pinned down with ease. For example, "Morning Mr. Magpie" gives off the first impression of being just another computer-based Thom dance song, but after you gain some familiarity with it, it reveals itself to be a carefully constructed arrangement, complete with two to three separate guitar parts playing simultaneously.
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