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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Dude

    Farrar Interview

    Belongs in Just a Fan though, not buried in some thread in a different forum. It directly pertains to Wilco. At least that's how I see it.
  2. The guy probably can't go two interviews in a row without having to discuss the 800-pound gorilla in the room. http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/uponsun/2009/07/son_volts_jay_farrar_talks_abo.php UP: And, I have to ask this question. I'm just curious: have you heard the new Wilco record? JF: I have not. I've heard people talk about it, say it's coming out. UP: So you don't really keep up with that stuff? JF: I don't keep up with much that's contemporary. But, I think if it's safe to say some of it I would like and some of it I would not. UP: I guess you kind of buried that hatchet to pu
  3. #15 - Impossible Germany - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-15-impossible-germany/ The list isn't looking too horrible, at least as far as the last three spots go.
  4. That was pretty damn fantastico.
  5. Letterman needs new monologue writers. Badly.
  6. #16 - I Can't Keep From Talking - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-16-i-cant-keep-from-talking/ 100% agree with this one - great song.
  7. Mine came in today, well worth the wait. Nearly tossed the cardboard tag away before I realized it's got a little Wilco etching on it. The strap's extremely comfortable and quite pretty. Souldier has some more goodies here, including camera straps with the Owl pattern and a Neil Young strap: http://souldierstraps.etsy.com
  8. Yeah, I remember the droid shutdown from the first movie, but didn't realize the little hellion wiped out the entire product line with a single shot.
  9. In any of the movies, do they ever explain how Star Wars droid technology regresses from lightning fast, fully articulated soldiers and cool rolling droids to slow, small robots on wheels and a few droids of C3PO's vintage whose arms can't even bend?
  10. I just received an e-mail that mine is finally shipping from Kung Fu. Anyone get their strap on yet?
  11. Meesa think Palin had nothing to do with stinka-bad character Jar Jar.
  12. Over the weekend, but it's all good, I gave them a good scrub-down afterwards. Luke's light-saber arm has crusted shut over the years, though.
  13. It's quite simple: Jeff sees that his stamp is a measly 80-cents compared to Glenn's 95-center, and this results in a huge brawl. But keep on drinking the "everything will be fine" Kool-Aid.
  14. I staged this exact storyline using Star Wars action figures and the pocket of a pool table that served as a makeshift lava pit. I also staged a lot of improper things involving the Luke, Leia and Han figures but we won't go into that.
  15. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_opening_crawl The version that came out in '81 had it, post Empire Strikes Back.
  16. It did fucking rule. I don't think it shook though. But I once bet my brother that the original Star Wars crawl said "Episode IV: A New Hope". Of course, it was one of the many re-releases that featured such a crawl. So I'm a very unreliable source on such critical matters.
  17. If you were a rampaging monster, as caliber66 suggests you are, would you be an ape, a lizard or a wolf?
  18. Glenn's stamp is worth more than Jeff's. I see this being the kind of thing that breaks up Wilco.
  19. Nice, I'll modify the original post as these get added.
  20. What if Democratic candidates share her views on these things but are pro-choice and anti-NRA? It seems politically expedient of Palin to set her social conservatism aside in order to move towards the center. Whichever way the wind blows, I guess.
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