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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Dude

    You and i live

    He does the Hummingbird Dance though, which surely amounts to something.
  2. http://news.scotsman.com/entertainment/Album-review-Wilco--Wilco.5406789.jp Album review: Wilco - Wilco (The Album) Published Date: 28 June 2009 By COLIN SOMERVILLE WILCO Wilco (The Album) **** Something of a wolf in sheep's clothing, Jeff Tweedy's new album flirts with electro in the process of playing the soft rock straight card. His poetry has never sounded so noir and paranoid – "I can't calm down, I can't think" he frets on the epic Bull Black Nova, which sounds like it ends drenched in cold sweat. The contrast is supplied immediately with the sweetly strummed You And I, and th
  3. I think a lot of songs (Country Disappeared, Solitaire) are soulful. Soul is in the ear of the beholder.
  4. "Eminem's suburban gangster flow" is... I dunno... It's like that New Radicals song 'You Get What You Give' which is otherwise a fantastic, almost timeless tune until it launches into... Fashion shoots with Beck and Hanson, Courtney Love and Marilyn Manson You're all fakes, run to your mansions Come around, we'll kick your ass in.
  5. Brewers, which are his third adopted team, after the Cubbies and the Cardinals.
  6. I think you'd have to wait until Tuesday with the record not showing up to have a legitimate complaint.
  7. And Sonic Youth and the Velvet Underground have yet to sell 500,000 copies according to the RIAA. Strange world we live in.
  8. If it's Beck, they are likely working on either VU & Nico tracks (see here: http://pitchfork.com/news/35667-beck-debuts-record-club-with-the-velvet-undergrounds-sunday-morning/ ) or rerecording another classic album as part of that Record Club thingamajigger.
  9. At 4:50 in the video, Wilco is recording with some dude who may very well be Beck.
  10. Goddamn this looks cool. What's the image printed on the CD itself, a camel?
  11. "Kiss and ride on the CTA"
  12. I've seen that mistake made a few times in print.
  13. I'm somewhat worried about Jackon's own kids. 1. They have lived in the fishbowl and have lived strange lives up to this point 2. They will always have to hear about how strange their father was from others throughout their lives 3. They will have an endless supply of money to spend on drugs and other dead-end pursuits, something a lot of children with a great amount of fortune and fame seem to fall prey to 4. No matter what they do in life, they will always be "the son of Michael Jackson"
  14. Roman Polanski engaged in a pretty disgusting behavior with a 13-year-old girl and ran to France before serving his time. Yet he also makes amazingly moving films like The Pianist. It's hard for me to reconcile one with the other, but what he did personally doesn't really hold back my appreciation of his talents as an artist.
  15. I think with a band that has such a wide stylistic range as Wilco, that's inevitable. There's always going to be some style of song they are going to make that some people just won't connect with.
  16. He may well have been, but the dancing is incredible, and not just the mooonwalk. Astaire called him the "greatest dancer of the century", and it's hard not to see where he was coming from.
  17. I think the world misses this guy: http://www.veoh.com/collection/lol1/watch/v6292577Qq4MmXMb
  18. I wonder if the rumors were true regarding Jackson's poor health. I guess we'll find that out soon enough.
  19. I remember Jesus, Etc. with a full string section on Leno being pretty amazing.
  20. Rob Thomas has talked at length about how he's a Wilco fan and how they probably think he sucks for being a multi-platinum selling douchebag. So if a Rob Thomas album kept Wilco out of the #1 spot, that would be ironic indeed.
  21. Didn't see this posted already, this is an interesting article on the history of Mr. Nudie and his magical suits: http://plaidout.wordpress.com/2009/04/16/wilco-the-nudie-suit/
  22. It would have to be really tall, the guy is 6'4.
  23. That was the Wilco Ramones shirt, right? I love that shirt.
  24. Dude

    #1 Record

    First track is Wilco - Wilco - Wilco
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