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Everything posted by Dude

  1. #1, just so I can tell everyone 'I told you so' if it does indeed come true.
  2. Jiminy Cricket, that was good.
  3. Sure would love to hear this. It's not listed anywhere on the Googlesphere, nor in the bonus tracks here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I'm_Not_There_(soundtrack)
  4. They each deserve spacious wood-paneled home recording studios with kidney shaped indoor swimming pools and jacuzzis right in the studio, and the whole room is mic'ed so they can record in the jacuzzi whenever they feel like it. They also deserve isolation booths that double as saunas.
  5. Dude

    #1 Record

    At least according to this chart: http://charts.mediaguide.com/format/Triple_A_NC_release.html Also look at the ironic #10 spot.
  6. Quitting smoking makes a big difference, too. Case in point Keef, who is 65 going on 85:
  7. Tonight. You can see it in the upper right hand corner "news crawl".
  8. Sorry, didn't see that - thanks.
  9. Had Jay ever had his surgery? I saw someone on VC stated he had, but I haven't seen anything confirming that.
  10. Dude

    Unlikely Japan...?

    Is a band experimental if it has noise collages and 8 minutes of feeback in its songs, but every song has those blasts, and every song is similar to others and the band never evolves?
  11. Yeah, Ashes he completely soars on. Other solos, it really seems like it's a fight to get the solo out, if that makes any sense, and the struggle isn't due to a lack of skill, but more like he's fighting his own intensity.
  12. This quote in particular interests me. Nels never makes it look easy. He attacks the guitar like it's a ferocious, wild animal that is gnawing his leg. He always seems like he's trying to demolish the guitar, or hurt himself, or both. And based on the Ashes DVD, he is indeed hurting himself out there. Sometimes I wish he'd just take it easy and not be so hyperintensive in his approach to every solo, just kinda stand there and allow the music to flow out of him. For someone who has the entire vocabulary of guitar at his fingertips, who can play any chromatic / diatonic / pentatonic scale you ca
  13. Dude

    Unlikely Japan...?

    You should give it a few more listens. (ducks under desk)
  14. Is that the Artist Formerly Known as Tweedy?
  15. If this album follows the trend of previous ones, there will be an Japanese import that includes a bonus track - all signs point to Dark Neon being the bonus track in this case. The "tour edition" (Album + EP) seems to come out much later down the road, maybe 6 months or so after the album comes out. Haven't heard anything about a Deluxe Edition + DVD like the one that came with SBS.
  16. Dude

    Unlikely Japan...?

    It's going to be a wilder track at least, according what Glenn says in this: http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/ent_index/296394
  17. Very cool, my cousin belongs to this synogogue... now I have an excuse to attend services with Rabbi Tweedy. .
  18. Dude

    Unlikely Japan...?

    I hope everyone who is downloading and loving this track is either buying the single here: http://wilco.kungfustore.com/categories/36-vinyl or some merch here: http://wilco.kungfustore.com/ $30 of which gets you a free copy of the single.......... Infringement Dad Mode off>
  19. Love that Mahagony. Also love the Faded Cherry SG:
  20. Dude

    Unlikely Japan...?

    So has someone ripped an MP3 of this yet?
  21. May need a drool bib ready before clicking the link: http://recordstoreday.tuneportals.com/Contest/276 Hear Jeff tell you about how the Dude is going to win this guitar via an audio sample: http://recordstoreday.tuneportals.com/Home
  22. The idea of the Beatles trying to play on a sloped roof and sliding off is cracking me up. Another angle:
  23. And this guy is directing it all:
  24. This is insanely kewl. Plus, it inches the band closer to the John Stirratt I'm Always in Love Smokepotâ„¢ Signature Bong that they are destined to produce.
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