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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Use your scroll wheel on that one Loft pic they have or the + and - keys. The detail / resolution is amazing.
  2. The beta site is looking great, a lot of the links are live now. I get a feeling this will be going live soon: http://beta.wilcoworld.net/records/thealbum/index.php
  3. Nice review Donna, this but a big sloppy grin on my face.
  4. I think the people who are saying these tracks are simple just aren't hearing what I'm hearing on headphones. There's a ton of sonic texturing going on. Deeper Down has about 200,000 instruments.
  5. Mr. Kotche's got some crazy riddums going on during Everlasting.
  6. I'll wait to judge the sound of this album when i'm hearing the uncompressed CD, versus lossy compressed MP3s of unknown quality / origin. I don't think I've ever heard a single pre-release leak that sounded as good as the final product.
  7. I've just never seen it called that. Spiders (Kidsmoke) is strange and poetic. Kid Smoke is:
  8. What the hell is Kid (space) Smoke???
  9. He's got really huge teeth, and uh... I do not.
  10. Late night WTA online listening party - great. Sore throat that turned into full-blown fever / cough / headache - not so great. Having the day off to recover and listen to the album - great.
  11. I actually didn't really like SBS all that much, that album bores me to tears for the most part, but really think the new one is exciting. Again, I think it may just be lost on some people, and there's nothing anyone can say on here to change those people's minds outside of "Give it some time, give it time to grow on you, blah blah blah."
  12. I can totally hearing people whooping it up during this song at shows. JT: Blood in the sink, blood in the trunk... Drunk in audience: WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO YEEEEEEAAHHH!!!!!
  13. Maybe you downloaded the wrong album.
  14. Some people just won't get this album. That makes a lot of sense to me. It's a pretty dense / complex record and not everyone will pick up on that.
  15. There are Beach Boys-like harmonies on a crapload of tracks, too. This album has every great musical idea ever conceived in the history of rock music rolled up into a gooey ball of an album.
  16. yeah, I was kidding about it being original / groundbreaking, that was me attempting to be funny.
  17. I guess original, ground-breaking humor eludes you......
  18. This is purty good. I see the ranking as thus: W(TA) SBS AGIB YHF MA2 ST MA1 BT AM
  19. This is far more adventurous than SBS, I don't hear the country flourishes Rolling Stone talked about at all. Bull Black Nova is worthy of the praise.
  20. Someone should send an e-mail to Ken @ WilcoWorld to turn the streaming site up and give this thing an air of legitimacy.
  21. I made that joke several weeks ago - apparently their leak detection isn't so good right about now.
  22. Ian: They're not gonna release the album... because they have decided that the cover is sexist. Nigel: What's wrong with being sexy? Ian: Sex-IST.
  23. There's a petting farm in Racine called Jo-Don Farms which offers camel rides: http://www.jodonfarms.com/camelrides.html ...and that includes this particular camel which may very well be Tzvi:
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