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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Does the loft have a huge bike rack? Because I think all the neighborhood kids should congregate there and have loogie hocking contests.
  2. Basically that movie was the Karate Kid on guitar, with Mr. Miyagi replaced by an old, wisened black man and with Satan as a villain instead of a dickhead jock bully or evil karate instructor.
  3. It's definitely Garth, he's wearing the same red hat as in that loft photo and is sitting with the Chromatix on this one:
  4. If there's one common denominator among Wilco fans, it's that we all seem to bitch and complain an awful lot.
  5. So Bull Black Nova isn't edgy? That lyric isn't about traipsing around in a flower patch.
  6. But putting a 12-minute drone in a song is the sort of thing that edgy musicians do, no?
  7. Nah, it's poking fun of the fact that all of us (me included) are combing the Loft Cam for any bit of info.
  8. There is a single speck of dust on the mixing console to the right of the red and yellow speaker. It is approximately 1/10000th of an inch in length. I can almost make out its atomic structure. I'm sure it plays a significant role during the recording process.
  9. I couldn't, but then again Wilco isn't a dance pop band like New Order, Depeche Mode, etc. Wilco's a rock band, and at shows people "rock out" to their music, which usually involves quietly nodding your head for the most part, tapping a foot, etc. You get the occasional air-guitar / air-drum playing dork, but they a small minority, thank goodness. I get the impression it's a love letter to fans in a sense, but one delivered with a grin, if that makes any sense. It's more or less a fun song, but fun in a different sense than Dance to the Music. As Speed Racer said, Dance to the Music is li
  10. Personally, I think comparing WTS to Dance to the Music is comical. The former is a more conventional rocker, the latter is more a party song. I kind of lump Dance to the Music in the same category as Groove is in the Heart by Deelite - it's well executed party music, but it shares a different vibe altogether than WTS. It's like suggesting that Dylan should incorporate some P-Funk shoutalongs into his set or something - you're taking what works for one genre and trying to apply it to a completely different genre where it wouldn't work with the same effects.
  11. I love the Neptune Shorty Octave 12-String with the double cutaways on the floor to the right of the white chair.
  12. Everyone taking lead on Wilco (The Song) would be extremely cheesy in my opinion, which also happens to be fact.
  13. This has been discussed at length. I see it way more as an homage than a ripoff. Also the vocal melody is nothing like He's So Fine or My Sweet Lord.
  14. WXRT in Chicago played "You Never Know" this morning as part of New Releases Thursday by morning DJ Tom Marker, who mentioned that he really liked the song. He also said he would play "The Jolly Banker" a bit later today.
  15. One last verse: I'm on my way home From my high school I'm always contemplating Why the kids are still cruel Oh, the kids are still cruel A sunny feeling is taken away A sunny feeling is taken away A sunny feeling is taken away Some other feeling is taken away
  16. I'm not entirely sure that's cell phone interference, it could just as easily be a sample that's pretty low in the mix.
  17. You mean the ones you haven't gotten yourself banned from? I remember you calling AGIB a collection of "Billy Joel c-sides" years ago. That and many other things you've posted over the years renders your opinion completely irrelevant to me. Go listen to your precious Floyd, dude.
  18. Is that a cowbell at 2:37 of Sunny Feeling?
  19. I love that song - it's definitely a grower.
  20. What a great, great, great, great song.
  21. The envy of many other recording studios, the Loft has an Orange Robot which flies around zapping intruders and small furry rodents:
  22. You may need to reinstall Quicktime or update it to the latest version.
  23. Bull Black Nova and Dark Neon track sheets taped to that column:
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