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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Damn that Loose Fur band for stealing it from Wilco, too. What a bunch of assholes.
  2. Resentment of a few people aside, it's been a wonderful thing over the years has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for charities and it's brought a lot of joy to a pretty sizable number of people, as well as the many families this money has helped. I'm totally grateful that I've had the opportunity to attend a few times, and will continue to attend as long as I have a few dollars set aside for it. I also work very, very hard all year to enjoy this kind of thing. The fact that it's benefiting families who are struggling to make ends and bringing real joy to those families is way more im
  3. #4 I didn't know about. I do remember a great deal of effort in the past put into keeping the shows distributed to just the people who attended them. I guess that was then, this is now......
  4. I thought these recordings were intended to be private keepsakes for the people who donated quite a bit of money, time and efforts organizing and in some cases traveling great distances to attend the shows. I didn't think the shows were ever meant for public domain / general distribution - not to be snarky or anything, but that kind of defeats the whole purpose of it being a 'Private Living Room Show'. I realize that you can't stop people from eventually sharing and leaking these shows, but editing them down and putting them into a widely available torrent completely goes against the spirit of
  5. Didn't get pick up a poster but I did buy one of the really comfortable black tees that was recycled from plastic bottles.
  6. This Rocker Tee is pretty damn cool, too: http://wilco.kungfustore.com/products/695-rocker-tee-wil83 It would have been better if the logo said Jeff Tweedy and the Wilco All-Stars, though.
  7. Yeah, definitely. I would say it's partly due to Nels' jazz background and Dan's propensity towards jazz scales / chords in their songs, particularly in their later albums.
  8. Does anyone else hear a Steely Dan guitar break in BBN? I don't necessarily mean that in a bad way (love The Dan personally), but there's a point in the song that wouldn't sound out of place on Aja.
  9. Dude


    New York Times writeup: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/15/arts/music/15bonnaroo.html?_r=1&hpw "Wilco, from Chicago, played one of Bonnaroo’s most extraordinary sets. Many of Jeff Tweedy’s songs, suffused with depression and estrangement, could have been straightforward 1960s and ’70s rock, glancing back at the Beatles and Neil Young. But Wilco doesn’t play them that way. Strange tangents arise midsong — faraway keyboard dissonances, streaking and scrabbling guitar crescendos — and envelop the whole band, only to disappear moments later as if nothing had happened. Bonnaroo itself is s
  10. So is the camel's name Alfred or Shmi? With so many aliases, this camel is starting to look like an international spy.
  11. There's an album called Acoustic Citsuoca that disproves that in Jim James' case, it includes several folk ditties including Golden and Bermuda Highway.
  12. I was also extremely entertained. As speculation builds over a possible sequel and re-emergence of a certain Trek villain, is it not a no-brainer that this guy: should be played by this guy?
  13. With the right drugs, any album / movie with sound muted combination 'works'.
  14. This reminds me of the scene in Amadeus: Emperor Joseph II: Your work is ingenious. It's quality work. And there are simply too many notes, that's all. Just cut a few and it will be perfect. Mozart: Which few did you have in mind, Majesty?
  15. Dude

    Dark Neon

    I meant those who preordered the physical CD from Wilco's store and not iTunes, or those who buy the CD the day it's released.
  16. XRT plays a generous selection of Wilco songs even when a new single isn't out. They have even been named their Friday Feature band a few times.
  17. Dude

    Dark Neon

    Yeah, I feel the same way. They should at least make Dark Neon available as a standalone, 99-cent track for those of us who don't want to do the preorder thing.
  18. The storyline involving Johnny Marr, Jeff's 12-string and a cucumber is priceless.
  19. This is true. I half pondered whether Wilco needs a Bez, and the answer is a resounding 'No'.
  20. It's an odd country where the Happy Mondays can get people to dance and go crazy, but Wilco elicits crossed arms and furrowed brows.
  21. If it goes down for long, serious shit will commence. People's lives are dependent on this thing, man.
  22. Wrong. The magazine's primary focus was chronicling the exploding music scene in '66 (including Brit invasion rock, psychedelic San Fran music, etc), and Lennon of course was a rock musician. Zac Ephron is about as important to rock music as Jello. Looking at Rolling Stone Issue #1, I don't see Tiger Beat here. I see an underground mag that is dead serious about music. Even the Lennon the cover isn't the dreamy '64 teenbopper version but the mature, spectacled 'How I Won the War' actor who would go on to make Sgt. Peppers: And if you still think the magazine was always written for kid
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