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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Since John wrote it, that's a good thing to be certain about.
  2. This should be fodder for an interesting discussion. The list so far: #20 - The Long Cut - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-20-the-long-cut/ #19 - That's Not the Issue - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-19-thats-not-the-issue/ #18 - Promising - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-18-promising/ #17 - She's a Jar - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20-jeff-tweedy-songs-17-shes-a-jar/ #16 - I Can't Keep From Talking - http://www.americansongwriter.com/2009/07/the-top-20
  3. Today is the last day to enter for this, hope a VCer wins.
  4. I betcha this thread makes it to 5 pages today. Of course, people like me talking about what a nonstory this is isn't helping matters.
  5. Someone who delusionally convinced herself Todd did indeed build the boat, because that makes for a better narrative than "he simply bought it." Most of Palin's lies seem to be centered around what makes a good story. She'd talk about chopping down trees with Paul Bunyon's axe and hunting, cooking and eating Babe if she thought people would believe it.
  6. True, but that's an actual story. This is a waste of kilobytes.
  7. Holy shit, we're collectively starved for things to talk about.
  8. He's an opportunist, just like Palin is. He has zero future in politics, but I see plenty of possible reality TV shows in his future where he can bicker with Gary Coleman, Spencer Pratt and Patti Blagojevich.
  9. I think Levi's amusing because he's gone rogue from the Palin campaign. Seeing how he was meticulously packaged for the Republican National Convention, holding Bristol's hand, swearing he was going to marry her, and seeing how sour things have come since then is intensely gratifying.
  10. Today, Obama is meeting world leaders at the G-8 Summit in Italy and making decisions that will impact the entire planet -- allegedly -- but if you ask me, that's a totally lameass excuse for avoiding Wilco (the White House visit). Here's when the O-dickweed was more accomodating:
  11. That movie is so violated when it airs on Comedy Central, it practically needs a rape kit.
  12. True, or round it up to 300 GB, which is both accurate within 2 GB as well as a round number people can wrap their tiny little brains around.
  13. Whenever I need that extra boost, thinking about Palin leaking amniotic fluid on a plane in Texas is about the sexiest image I can conjur of her.
  14. This is due to fact that the binary number system doesn't quite line up with our base 10 numeric system. A kilobyte = 1,024 bytes (2 to the power of 10), which is close enough to 1,000 that it is often rounded down for convenience's sake. This isn't a big deal of course when talking about one measly kilobyte, but when you get all the way up to a gigabyte, there is a difference of 73,741,824 bytes or around 70.3 MB of data between binary and base 10. You can multiply 70.3 times the advertised GBs of the hard drive to see what the discrepancy is: 70.3 MB x 320 = 22,496 MB, or ~22 GBs. 320
  15. It's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.
  16. She has the lying abilities of an 8th grader who didn't do her homework, but she indeed knows she's lying.
  17. Once you get past her stupidity and hotness, you'll find that she lies an awful lot.
  18. Wilco missed a #1 record by one week. Here's how the charts would have looked had W(TA) come out one week earlier: #1. Wilco - Wilco (the Album) - 99,000 #2. Black Eyed Peas - The E.N.D. - 88,000 #3. Jonas Brothers - Lines, Vines and Trying Times - 68,000 #4. Regina Spektor - Far - 50,000 #5. The Dave Matthews Band - Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King - 47,000
  19. What's hilarious is, most of the ethics complaints and "politcal potshots" have happened because it is Palin who is a stranger to the truth, not the media.
  20. Palin in a Time interview, flip-flopping around like a dying fish on the deck of a boat: Time Magazine: At one point during the campaign you said Hillary Clinton whines a little bit too much about being in the public eye. Do you now sort of sympathize with her? Palin: What I said was, it doesn't do her or anybody else any good to whine about the criticism. And that's why I'm trying to make it clear that the criticism, I invite that. But freedom of speech and that invitation to constructively criticize a public servant is a lot different than the allowance to lie, to continually falsely acc
  21. Wilco will love you, baby.
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