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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Because it was funny. Of all the hurtful things that have been said and done in both directions this campaign, I doubt Palin being portrayed as a drooling vampire is high on your list of things to get worked up over.
  2. Dunno, here is the original post: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?s=&...t&p=1228502 And pic in all its glory: Just so Shuck knows I wasn't the artist responsible for the pic.
  3. No, but I doubt you were out there tossing Sore Loserman signs into the trash, either. It seems callow of you to be at all surprised or shocked by this kind of discourse on Election day in any event. People are pissed at the way the last 8 years have gone and rightfully so. The last time the country experienced any sustained economic growth, Clinton was in the White House and people celebrated a lot then, too. As for the avatar, it was based on a painting of Palin sighted in NYC - I merely linked to it.
  4. Maybe you can watch or listen to Internet streams, now that internet is the new TV, i.e: http://www.cnn.com/video/live/live_asx.html?stream=stream1
  5. It looks like you're going to have to get used to this sort of thing:
  6. Draft of Palin's Wasilla mayoral campaign letter: http://www.tnr.com/palinletter.pdf Remarkable how little her script has changed in 12 years.
  7. "The rules of succession are complicated in Alaska, where courts haven't ruled on a referendum that prohibits the governor from appointing a senator if the office is vacant. That referendum was enacted after then-Gov. Frank Murkowski appointed his daughter, Lisa Murkowski, to the U.S. Senate seat he vacated." http://www.mcclatchydc.com/homepage/story/54834.html As a result, most are suggesting there would be a special election for Stevens successor should he choose to step down after the election.
  8. I think all this talk of Palin running for President in 2012 is based on the assumption that she will remain: A. Free of scandals in Alaska or fallout from existing scandals B. That she will be re-elected Governor in 2010. C. She's actually accomplished anything in office over the next 2-4 years. A is questionable (given Troopergate and who knows what other ethics violations that haven't come to light yet), B is even in doubt (her approval rating has fallen 30 points since being tapped for VP), and C is also in doubt.
  9. That sounds like JAFism to me.
  10. How on earth can anyone take Palin seriously if McCain's own advisors are privately calling her a "whack job"? Outside of the Hannitys, Limbaughs and Dobsons of the world, is there any intelligent case to be made for this woman? I'm sure there are some who will rationalize (i.e. invent) the ways in which Palin is misunderstood, maligned, mis-characterized, overhandled, underhandled, mishandled and whatnot. But I think elected officials ought to be able to handle themselves - especially ones who are going to sit across the table from other world leaders.
  11. http://www.elections.alaska.gov/voting.php Q: I was convicted of a felony, but have served my time and am on probation. Can I register to vote? A: No. A convicted felon may not register to vote unless unconditionally discharged from custody. When you are no longer on probation, a copy of your discharge papers will allow you to register.
  12. I had: The higher price of fuel was no obstacle to me getting my hands on a piece of plastic that is probably in a landfill somewhere now.
  13. I wonder how the "little starburst" guy (National Review's Rich Lowry) feels about her now, remember him?
  14. Yeah, in a new AZ poll, McCain's lead has shrunk to only 4 points over Obama in his home state: http://www.politickeraz.com/node/2593 If that isn't demoralizing for Repubs, I'm not sure what is.
  15. More reports on Palin going "rogue": http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/27/palin.tension/ There is something satisfying about the GOP unleashing a monster that it can no longer control.
  16. This is great news for me. My biggest qualm with Sky Blue Sky is that it traveled on musical roads that were already pretty worn down. Some musical surprises / detours this time around would generate a lot of excitement and energize the Wilco base.
  17. Jeff, Glenn & Pat Baracking out at a fundraider:
  18. From an article posted at: http://www.northstarwriters.com/ct123.htm
  19. me too. wassup crazy cat lady?
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