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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Winona (in 2000): I mean, you know Jeff Tweedy, I think he has one of the best voices I have ever heard. Conan O'Brien: Well, you bring it up, Wilco is on the show. And you are huge fan of Wilco? Winona: I'm the most enormous fan of Wilco ever. Conan: So you're gonna do us a favor: you will introduce them later on. Will you do that? Winona: Yeah, I'm trying to think of a good... I'm nervous.. Later that show she intro'ed them as the "best band in America".
  2. The Dude is a name that no that's a name no one would self-apply where I come from. But I have been an unemployed bum living in Los Angeles within walking distance of both a Ralph's and an In-and-Out Burger, and I thought this Wilco board needed a Dude, perhaps even more than the Dude needed it.
  3. I don't know what on earth is happening here, but 'healthy social interaction' it is not :
  4. Only if you're anteing up for the Hummer stretch limo I'm going to be pulling up in.
  5. Eh, the NPCs in those games had way more personality and were a lot more convincing than some pimple faced 15-year-old dork doing a high-pitched female voice trying to be a Succubus or somesuch.
  6. I could spend weeks at Roberts taking in the sights, sounds, beers, burgers and onion rings.
  7. I'll be making a fashionable appearance and will have my eyebrows waxed just for the occasion. If anyone talks to Elixir Sue, tell her to back off from the chips and guac until I arrive.
  8. Greatness is simply lost on some poor souls...
  9. Certainly makes the individual shows more exciting - you never know what they may pull out of their hat.
  10. True: "Are you employed, sir?" "Employed?" "You don't go out looking for a job dressed like that? On a weekday?" "Is this a... what day is this?"
  11. This is true... When i picked that screenname, I didn't plan on people expecting me to look like him in Real Life.
  12. Holy shit, there's a Sharpie on my back! Such a great weekend and such a fantastic vibe at the Ryman - clearly the Residency / SNL buzz hasn't worn off yet.
  13. Ditto for us - great meeting you guys. So many great songs / memories. We'd post some pics tonight but we don't have a USB cable handy.
  14. Dude

    Ryman Roll Call

    Headed over to Demo's right now to meet Poppydawn - looking forward to a life-altering experience at the Ryman later tonight!1@!
  15. This song is kicking my ass all over the place.
  16. I'm on board with the "live stills from the show" theory, which if it it's true, is pretty damn cool.
  17. Who called Dylan a profit? His accountants?
  18. They could at least play Peaches.....
  19. i didn't remember if he did that or not. I was like "Hmm, i remember him tossing it too... but wait, no, he couldn't have!"
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