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Everything posted by Dude

  1. I was more put out by Bob's Victoria's Secret ad - mostly because it was creepy in a 65-year-old lusting after a 19-year-old in underwear and wings kind of way.
  2. Anyone have any opinions about the opener Cold War Kids?
  3. The best song on that album hands down is The Drugs Don't Work.
  4. Well when you're sitting there in your silk upholstered chair Talkin' to some rich folk that you know Well I hope you won't see me in my ragged company Well, you know I could never be alone Take me down little Susie, take me down I know you think you're the queen of the underground And you can send me dead flowers every morning Send me dead flowers by the mail Send me dead flowers to my wedding And I won't forget to put roses on your grave Well when you're sitting back in your rose pink Cadillac Making bets on Kentucky Derby Day Ah, I'll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon And
  5. Yeah, lucked out on that as it completely sold out in 15 minutes.
  6. Picked up two tickets for the Aragon Ballroom Sunday show on the pre-sale. I know a lovely lady familiar with a song or two from this band that I'll be attending the show with.
  7. This skin is crescent fresh.
  8. What I think Chase is saying if, during the movie, Tony was in any kind of danger or peril, we wouldn't worry as an audience because we'd know he survives it to appear in another season or two. That doesn't really address what happens (or doesn't happen) to him in the last episode -- just that he makes it through a day in 2006 intact. And the other thing he said related to the fact that Lynn Sigler and Iler will be older actors playing younger characters and that wouldn't necessarily jibe either.......
  9. Interesting. Maybe the final scene is a dream. Also since Silv is in a prolonged coma now like T in the first half of Season 6, in Silv's Kevin Finnerty-like alternate reality dream is he the guitarist for a rock and roll band??????????????
  10. Holy crap.. this writer called the ending on June 7th: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headli...nt/4869813.html Does Sopranos buildup portend a low-action finale? By JAKE COYLE Associated Press NEW YORK
  11. Just pray Chase, Gandolfini and whomever else owns the rights to the Sopranos decide to make another chapter. Until then, you're playing this: And praying to unlock a hidden scene that reveals the true end to the show.
  12. I could be dead wrong but I thought Jess had a naked, jiggly walking ass for her avatar for a few hours before admins pulled the plug. It was a beauty while it lasted.
  13. True dat George. Of course a shameless plug for his movie never hurt anyone either...
  14. When I think of subtlety, JessFlick doesn't exactly come to mind. Weren't you the one who had the "assatar"?
  15. The only problem with your opinion is that it's wrong.
  16. I dunno if Tony descended that much. Has he really changed that much from the beginning of the series? He still lied, murdered (remember the Season 1 garroting on Meadow's college trip), cheated on Carmella with goomahs, etc. Maybe obtained some self-revelation through therapy, but as Melfi found out, it inevitably allowed Tony to further justify his behaviors in the end. The scene where Tony starts spilling about his mother in AJ's therapy is telling in this regard - he'll always play the "my mother was abusive" card long after Melfi's out of the picture. So outside of Tony's "spiritual awa
  17. I liked the ending. I wouldn't say I loved it as the final scene was definitely a little manipulative. But whatever - we're suckers for allowing ourselves to be manipulated so easily. And Tony DID tell Carmella "families can't be touched". So maybe it's true - and maybe the Sopranos will live on in movies / books / videogames / spinoffs / action figures / lunchboxes...
  18. Easy on Sil. Let's not start digging a grave for him quite yet.
  19. It wasn't fabric that you heard rustling......
  20. http://finalcut.postspots.com/direct.php?j...dd2118207a45230 Click on the second commercial - Song #2 is 'You Are My Face'. I dunno how I feel about this. Wilco isn't the same organization it was ten or fifteen years ago - six members plus innumerable others rely on the band to turn a profit for their livelihood. Guys like Nels Cline who have been playing music forever - by his account, was pretty much broke when Tweedy offered the spot to him. It's sad that a musician with the kind of respect that Nels commanded prior to joining Wilco was in that position, but that's the nature of the mus
  21. Not to be disrespectful man, but this totally reminds me of the little "epilogues" to South Park episodes where they tie everything up and discuss what lessons they've learned.
  22. Is his uncle or cousin in jail? Maybe reckless homicide?
  23. It's OT but I love it when Jimi covered Like a Rolling Stone. I think I'll listen to that now. Yes, I will.
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