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Everything posted by Dude

  1. happy birthday Smooth Criminal, yo.
  2. Yeah, well, wait until O.J. catches his ex-wife's killer. Then you'll be REALLY sorry, mister.
  3. JessFlick beat you to the punch on this one.
  4. So I guess if I have a son he's going to be really, really flexible and contort in ways I never could.
  5. It's a "Jump to Conclusions mat." You see, you have this mat, with different conclusions written on it that you could JUMP to.
  6. Whatever strange euphemisms you have for women's private parts I suggest you keep to yourself.
  7. I say we get rid of that freaky pyramid / eye thing on the U.S. dollar while we're at it.
  8. There was a real movie called Bugsy Malone that had kids as gangsters.
  9. Why didn't they just blowtorch the bible off the statue? Or remove the embossed "BIBLE" letters and replace it with "NONDENOMITIONAL RELIGIOUS TEXT"?
  10. I disagree completely. What were we talking again?
  11. And what's with all the 'David' confetti, Donna?
  12. Even without the editing I went too far. I didn't really specify what "it" you'd hold against the pantless Mr. Tweedy.
  13. If he wasn't, would you hold it against him?
  14. Yeah, the Alan Alda character in C&M who is a caricature of Norman Lear.
  15. Yeah... this right here (tell me why) Goes out, to everyone, that has lost someone That they truly loved (c'mon, check it out) Seems like yesterday we used to rock the show I laced the track, you locked the flow So far from hangin on the block for dough Notorious, they got to know that Life ain't always what it seem to be (uh-uh) Words can't express what you mean to me Even though you're gone, we still a team Through your family, I'll fulfill your dream (that's right) In the future, can't wait to see If you'll open up the gates for me Reminisce some time, the night they took my friend (uh-hu
  16. And to get the thread back on topic...
  17. But am I an artist or a craftsman?
  18. That's correct. In fact, I don't like something, it automatically morphs into a huge steamy pile of human feces. I'm special like that.
  19. I never said they were mutually exclusive - you can have finely crafted works that aren't really art, and great art that shows little craftsmanship. However, I really don't see why categorizing works according to whether they are art or craft or commerce or fill in the blank is any worse than saying Oliver Stone or Michael Bay or Kenny G are shitty artists.
  20. Well, it's not just me. A hell of a lot has been written on craft and art by writers and philosophers going back to the ancient Greeks. When you get into defining ANYTHING, you get into "fishy" waters, as language itself is slippery in nature. And there are some who would apply the label of "art" to anything under the sun. However, saying Kenny G sucks gets into your own subjective view of the quality of what Kenny G is doing. But Kenny G is a damn good saxophone player whether or not you personally like what he does. You can hate the style of his music, but few would argue he's a shitty mus
  21. Google him. He's a pretty popular painter who does "scenery" paintings. Many of Kinkade's paintings are completely indistinguishable from other painters of the same genre. They're meticulous in detail but they lack any humanity to them which would make them works of art. And while you could argue that he's a bad artist, I think it's more correct to say he's a great craftsman. Craft is all about mastery of skill. Hitchcock was a craftsman for much of his career - excellent thriller director - who rose to the level of artist, mostly due to the fact that he inevitably gained complete control ov
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