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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Dude


    Thank god it's cooling down a little.
  2. The MAN knows how to PARTY.
  3. No, my concerns were justified that Korn is a really shitty band.
  4. I think the dude standing by the nurse is passing some Enrapturous Gas.
  5. Okay i'm taking a wild guess - Galaxian has individual swoopers vs. groups?
  6. EC is also fond of scores of greatest hits packages. There's been like 7 or 8 different collections over the years. Kinda like the Stones. There's Hot Rocks, More Hot Rocks, Sucking in the 70s, the Singles Boxed set, the London Years, Big Hits, Through the Past Darkly, Rewind, Jump Back, 40 Licks, etc. etc. etc.
  7. What's the diff between Galaga and Galaxian? I know there's some humongous one.
  8. That big horned dude is either the Antichrist or a Jew.
  9. Happy B-Day K. Ribby and Roobie wanna party like it's 1979.
  10. Prayer Warriors... the Onion would be proud to have written about this Wage a war of apocalyptic proportions in LEFT BEHIND: Eternal Forces - a real-time strategy game based upon the best-selling LEFT BEHIND book series created by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. Join the ultimate fight of Good against Evil, commanding Tribulation Forces or the Global Community Peacekeepers, and uncover the truth about the worldwide disappearances!
  11. That's a lovely animated gif. I'm praying we get a Nick Nolte style mugshot out of this.
  12. You should grab a beer with Mel Gibson - he has a few interesting things to say about this.
  13. Why does Mel hate jewish people?
  14. That Blunt song really is horrendous. It's piped-in Gap music for mall rats and for people who think Coldplay is too hardcore and abrasive for their liking.
  15. Dude


    A few basic laws of the universe: 1. Gravity attracts objects together. 2. The expansion of the universe drives objects apart. 3. Blink 182 sucks balls.
  16. Dude


    I went to high school with the Empire guy's nephew. Little fucker was in an empire commercial or two.
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