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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Tell your dad that if he pulls his pants up any higher, he may experience nipple chaffing.
  2. I'll pay you $1.36 to quit. I'll even throw in a half eaten hot dog.
  3. I liked "stapled" better, but have it your way.
  4. Are those neckties with Hendrix / Britney photos stapled to them?
  5. Furry Happy Birthday Dunja. Sorry if I'm a little late too. You're truly the coolest German vinyl exporter I know.
  6. My brother in Hollywood is a contestant on a game show that's taping this afternoon called The Rich List. Going to air on Fox sometime. Check your local listings.
  7. An excellent more recent Stones concert film was At the Max. It was the Stones on an IMAX screen. I wanna say it taken from the Steel Wheels tour. Had some huge inflatable women (blow-up dolls?) at some point during the show.
  8. I'm pretty certain I didn't date either one of you.
  9. 1. Picked up his heroin habit due to a go-cart accident. 2. Lay there nearby in a drugged out stupor while a Stones hanger-on crawled on top of long-time girlfriend Anita Pallenberg and had intercourse with her. 3. Nearly got himself killed when he pulled a toy pistol on a guy who was actually armed in a fit of road rage. 4. Stoned off his bejesus on heroin, the Human Riff couldn't stay awake thirty seconds into overdubbing the rhythm tracks for 'Rocks Off'. All according to a new book on the making of Exile on Main St..........
  10. "Give me my money back, Give me my money back, You bitch. I want my money back. And don't forget To give me back my black T-shirt." - Ben Folds
  11. I guess since people are posting actual pics of themselves, i won't buck the trend.
  12. Huh. I don't see why they'd be a friend of this woman.
  13. Ah, innerestin. Did he just sit in on that one song? They don't really show any closeups of him.
  14. Well who is that guy? Do they have a second guitarist now?
  15. I didn't know George Michael played gee-tar for U2.
  16. probably. but i'm a jackass, pretty much. jesus.
  17. What was the lunch exactly? I'd sprint in Kevlar for some Chipotle
  18. What do you have against Jewish people?
  19. Some sigs around here are large, downright annoying and a little disturbing. How do I hide signatures?
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