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Everything posted by Dude

  1. Not to be a school hall monitor type but this is particular section is devoted to music, hence the Someone Else's Song moniker.
  2. Does Men's Journal contain any info on what forum to post shit in?
  3. Can you see Anita's puss in my sig yet?
  4. So you guys are saying it's okay to "hit" a 14-year-old boy? WTF?????
  5. I know you love me and all, but that's just plain ghey. (not that there's anything wrong w/ that)
  6. I've completely quit cold turkey twice now. It's easily accomplished. You just have to set your mind to it. These days, outside of the occasional bumming of a cigarette I've totally sworn off the things altogether. Stay strong.
  7. Al-Kaleeb Ha'aa'ar, Barbara Bach in Caveman or Rae Dawn Chong in Quest for Fire??? - d.
  8. Diplomatically working with officials versus recklessly kicking some ass? This organization obviously doesn't want a reality show based on it.
  9. "1. Red snapper I. Nose strategically inserted II. Multiple orgasms III. Bonzo at the scene..."
  10. I was pretty shocked that Charlie doesn't even play on Tumbling Dice according to that - it was the engineer.
  11. But doesn't that describe just about every Stones album going as far back as Aftermath?
  12. Q: What do Jane Fonda and John Mark Karr share in common?
  13. I'm motherfucking TIRED motherfuckers.
  14. That flaming lips pic is so Sept. 13, 2006 it's not even funny.
  15. Nightcrawler was the shiznit in that game.
  16. It's okay - my dad does that too. (are those really your parents?)
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