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Everything posted by Dude

  1. You neglected to work a ref in there to either Tweedy or Heather "Mills" McCartney.
  2. But there is a tie-in there and it involves the song Casino Queen. Although I guess it would have to be Online Casino Queen (the 2006 Remix).
  3. Ah, but seeing Chuck and Keef argue about amp settings before that performance is even better........
  4. This movie puts that idea to good use.
  5. Isn't the Dems winning the Senate and McCain committing suicide a win-win situation?
  6. George Harrison stabbed a crazed fan once. Er wait, it was the other way around.
  7. Remember when she lost her prosthetic leg in a tussle with J Lo's bodyguards? That was awesome.
  8. Bastard made the poor disabled woman crawl to the bathroom versus doing #1 or #2 into a bedpan. Allegedly.
  9. Yeah well actually, 'O' was so cool, I made the 'oh' face during it. You know... 'oh'.. 'oh'... 'oh'...
  10. How Paul married a woman who didn't tolerate his ganja love is the real mystery.
  11. Perfectly justified response to that question!
  12. Paul had a Cirque-like opening act during one of his tours that was kinda cheesy.
  13. So is DiCaprio the new De Niro now that De Niro is the new Brando?
  14. I like Cirque, too. 'O' was swimmingly beautiful.
  15. That joke was too inside even for me.
  16. I hope it's just straight-up Beatles recordings minus the new-age synths that you usually hear at Cirque shows.
  17. Regardless of how conflicted your feelings are about "Labyrinth", Bowie's playing Nikola Tesla in Christopher Nolan's new pic "The Prestige", which also happens to star Christian Bale and Michael Caine, who are also going to appear in Nolan's "Batman Begins" sequel "The Dark Knight", which is probably going to be cool as fuck, something I think we can all agree on. Can't we?
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