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Everything posted by chaslor

  1. Thanks for the recaps. Interesting about Kingpin. As you know, that used to be a standard but I personally have not heard it live in quite some time it seems. I need to hear this new live version. Here's the handclap from way back when in 2004...
  2. As they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The sheer volume of photography available for us to see, both good and bad, probably dilutes the casual viewer’s ability to discern which is which. It is true that there is a lot of pedestrian music photographers who simply have good access and/ or good schmoozing skills. I disagree that once access is achieved all you need is ‘a certain level of technical competence’. You need to have the eye. Some have it, others do not. How you attain notoriety, I wouldn’t know. I do know that by simply showing up usually won’t get you there. Ba
  3. Here are some of my photos from SS24. Enjoy! Solid Sound Gallery charles
  4. Excellent work, as always! Was great seeing you at the fest. Looks like you got around as much as I did, which was a lot. Whew! Charles
  5. Sorry about the can last time, it was either that or the kamera, something had to go Of course Ashwin must be featured, as he is such a great guy. This was the first time I’ve been there with any sort of rail. I’ve seen pics where that odd set of steps was cordoned off, but this was different. You are correct that previously at most all shows there the GA folks (reserved seating generally starts at row 5 of the seats) could crowd the small area in front of the stage, including stepping up to be almost eye level with the band on this very low stage. There's a semi wide-angle pic buried somewh
  6. For anyone sitting on the fence, here's a Solid recap of photos from 2010, 2011 and 2022. Gallery limitations forced me to break into two galleries. Enjoy, please let me know what you think... https://www.charlesharris.photography/solidsound https://www.charlesharris.photography/solidsound2
  7. Here are some photos from the first three shows of the Cousin tour. Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa, the South Side Ballroom in Dallas, and the Moody Amphitheater in Austin. Basically a small, medium, and large for stage size. Cain's was particularly intimate. Overall, a fantastic debut tour. Hope you like.... Cousin Tour Photographs
  8. I was recently asked to do an interview for a podcast about Wilco re my work with the band as a photographer. I’ve been shooting for them on/off for 18 years. While I'm doubtful that I merit a podcast interview, I enjoyed the process, except maybe the speaking part The podcast is called Shoving Wilco, hosted by Todd. He’s super nice. The episodes are relatively short, so mine is broken into two chapters. It has been said that maybe another, more prominent, VC member has done an interview for an upcoming episode(s). Check out my interview Part O
  9. Thanks, High praise from a serious concert shooter! (which I am not, excepting Wilco) I always dig your work too.
  10. More photos to waste a bit of time from the near end of this tour in Asheville NC. https://www.charlesharris.photography/wilcoasheville FYI .. I have about 50+ more shows beginning 2004 in the Archive, whew!
  11. Here's a bunch of stage pics of Wilco in Iceland for your time wasting enjoyment. No scenics here, that's for a different time. Best viewed on laptop/desktop. Takk Wilco! Wilco Photos in Iceland
  12. The last smoke filled show I can recall is 05/08 at the Pageant in St Louis. Those two shows were dense with smoke..
  13. The wayback is crazy. Need to dig more, but this is one of my first Wilcoworld splash pics from 18 years ago!
  14. Photos from Solid Sound are up at the Solid Sound site. Rick Levinson kicks off the gallery with a shot of Jeff and Nick on stage, his ending with a pair of speakers on stage. Mine start with the girl looking at the map and ends at the semi blurry group shot with David Byrne. Austin Nelson wraps things up starting with Bonnie Prince Billy distributing lyric sheets to the audience and ends with the grand finale group shot from behind. Enjoy! I may post a broader gallery at some point. I alone shot over 7500 images, Rick and Austin shot a ton as well. It was a blast!
  15. As a consolation, here's some photos from that show. I was against the rail with no pit, so variety is limited. http://galleries.chasharris.com/wilco/william_mary/
  16. Here's a nice little profile of my good friend (and resident Wilco shooter) Zoran Orlic featuring a bunch of Wilco photos. Congrats Z! https://www.digitalphotopro.com/profiles/zoran-orlic-live-from-chicago/
  17. That audience shot was from the Riviera in Chicago during the Residency of 2008. As I recall, that shot was during the encore break of the last show of the 5 night run.
  18. I saw a recent post from Tim (tinnitus) about sifting through the photo archives (awesome stuff!). Like he and many, I’ve been going through my extensive library in an effort to become more organized. A ton of forgotten gems have surfaced, including a few here. So, I thought I’d share…. As some of you might recall, I had the good fortune to photograph Wilco many times. In absence of any live shows these days, here’s a few pics from a bunch of various shows. I think these sort of show why Wilco is about the best live show on the planet. charles
  19. I have one for sale at face value + the fees ($35 + $8.29 = $43.29) for Jeff at the Orange Peel in Asheville NC 03/19. I may have another in the next couple of days, awaiting some scheduling info from the person i bought it for. charles edit - SOLD
  20. Thanks. Yeah, I did not 'shoot' this show. I did, however, take a few snaps. Leica indeed, one cannot go wrong. This was a fantastic show. We were 'platform' people and it was quite literally like standing on stage in front of the mikes. I've been as close, but rarely that elevated when that close (unless actually on stage). Awesome. There are more pics, but all fixed vantage point, fixed lens, so minimal variety. Nevertheless, I may have a few decent frames Check out my instagram for another and maybe some more...
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