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Oil Can Boyd

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Everything posted by Oil Can Boyd

  1. I like the Wild Flag album but I've been on something of a Sleater-Kinney binge recently. I hadn't lsitened to any of their stuff in a while and sort of forgot how much I liked it.
  2. Interview with Kevin Shields and stream of one of the unreleased songs on Pitchfork yeterday: http://pitchfork.com/features/interviews/8809-kevin-shields/
  3. LouieB: got any sources on that? It surprised me so I poked around some and even found her original 1978 New Yorker review which is pretty positive. A different reviewer for the Nww Yorker (Penelope Gilliatt) didn't like it much but Kael seems to be a fan. She is quoted in other articles as calling it "the most beautiful rock movie ever."
  4. Hadn't listened to Sleater Kinney in a while but I'm going through them all right now.
  5. I'm a big fan of Lou but this doesn't do it for me. There is just too little time and too much good music that I own and don't listen to for me to spend an hour listening to that.
  6. I'm another person who has been playing it recently after putting it aside for a while. It is holding up well for me.
  7. Agreed. I like the stuff on the third disc except for that tune.
  8. Yup - it's pretty distressing to watch. It was not too long ago that I thought this ownership group was doing all the right things.
  9. I wonder if he is in the best shape of his life ...
  10. Finished this last night and thought it was great. (It also made me realize how many books I read that are set in NYC ...) Next up is this. It's one of the few books in the 33 1/3 series that is a novel.
  11. And I'm going to see them again tonight.
  12. Blood on the Tracks being turned into a movie? http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118052289 'Blood on the Tracks' gets film adaptation RT Features acquires rights to make Bob Dylan classic into a movie By Dave McNary Brazil-based RT Features is moving on a simple twist of film, acquiring rights to adapt Bob Dylan's 1975 album "Blood on the Tracks" into an English-language feature. RT Features toppers Rodrigo Teixeira and Fernando Loureiro will produce and are seeking a director after buying rights from Grey Water Park Prods. that include the ability to use the music in the film. "
  13. I was just in the Harvard Book Store looking at a copy of Rick Moody's new book. It's a colleciton of essays about music and includes a piece on Wilco. While I was flipping through the book trying to decide whether to buy it, Reservations came on. I bought the book ...
  14. I might be there. But I also might be at the Big Apple Circus with my daughter. (I know they are not at the same time but I'm probably not up for doing both ...)
  15. I remember seeing Moyer pitch during his short stint with the Red Sox (1996 maybe?) and thinking he was a decent, end of the rotation guy who probably wouldn't be around much longer. I guess that is why I'm not a baseball scout.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIQr6ipWFR0&feature=related
  17. What Ghost said and therefore for me it is the 1980s. I started the decade by listening only to the Dead but by 1985 and for the next five years I was listening to (and importantly, going to see) REM, Talking Heads, Husker Du, the Feelies, Sonic Youth, Replacements, Minutemen, Meat Puppets, Throwing Muses, Pixies, Dinosaur Jr., Galaxie 500, etc.
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