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Blackberry Rust

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Everything posted by Blackberry Rust

  1. I'm a sucker for anything between 2001-2003. What I heard of the 2014 Winterlude shows sounded great, though I'm fairly sure they're not on Owl & Bear.
  2. *checks out link* Right. I'm totally checking that out when I get home from work today.
  3. Oh, yeah - I'm not fazed by obscure stuff at all, if anything that's where I like to zero in. There was an excellent book that came out a few years ago (Erewhon Calling - Experimental Sound In New Zealand) which I snapped up. It's a really good read, I need to dust it off again sometime soon. http://www.thewire.co.uk/shop/books/erewhon_calling__experimental_sound_in_new_zealand_edited_by_bruce_russell_
  4. It was that video which got me into the music of Sandy Bull. That live album where he plays oud, lap steel, tape loops and primitive drum machine is just incredible. Really worth checking out. I'm still yet to check out the Flying Nun compiliation. NZ underground/experimental music is the best. Local Dunedin legends Eye opened a set I played there in 2010 - it was amazing.
  5. It took me years to get the Dead. But I'm glad I did. Lee's got fantastic musical taste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npNyPflHako
  6. Absolutely. I was also thinking of the Dead's 'Dark Star' when considering how 'You Satelite' might inevitably stretch out in a live setting. That's probably my favourite track off the album and I think it's as close as the band has ever come to sounding like Sonic Youth.
  7. "Random Name Generator" and "You Satelite" are killing me at the moment. Favourite Wilco tracks since "Spiders" and "Theologians" Favourite Tweedy tracks since "Wreckroom" (Born Again In The USA)
  8. I really love the old bugger, but I wish he'd cool down sometimes, take a bit of time and record a great acoustic record. Psychedelic Pill was a decent Crazy Horse record and Le Noise could have been passable if Daniel Lanios hadn't smothered it in awful production. Silver & Gold is the last excellent record he put out. I'd personally love another like that. But as Tinnitus pointed out here, Neil's always done whatever the f&ck he likes and doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks. He's always been like this - unpredictable and divisive.
  9. I'd rank the 2013 one with the Dust over that - it's one of my favourite albums from the last couple of years. I like the first one, but the straightforward musical/lyrical approach was a bit of a shock to the system at first.
  10. Oh yeah - this is such a great cover. :thumbup
  11. The Byrds Here Without You - from Mr Tambourine Man What's Happening??? - from 5D Everybody's Been Burned - from Younger than Yesterday Draft Morning - from The Notorious Byrd Brothers Just A Season - from Untitled Sonic Youth Eric's Trip - from Daydream Nation Mote - from Goo Karen Koltrane - from A Thousand Leaves NY Ghosts & Flowers - NY Ghosts & Flowers Karen Revisited - Murray Street ^ Yes, they're all Lee songs.
  12. The lyrics on YHF are great, but some of Jeff's lyrics around the Summerteeth period are just incredible. I've heard some of the demoes, but it would be amazing to hear these in a much more embyonic state - just a couple of guitars and voice.
  13. I have a hard time with it, but I still feel there's a bit more direction to it than TWL in spite of the occasionally pedestrian material ("You & I", "Country Disappeared", "I'll Fight", "Sonny Feeling"). Both "I'll Fight" and "Sonny Feeling" are probably the two worst songs Tweedy's ever wrote. That's right - I'll rate "Barnyard Pimp"* above those two. TWL is just scattered all over the shop and I find a bunch of the tracks so unfocused, lazy and irritating - "Sunloathe", "Dawned On Me", "Open Mind", "Capitol City", "Standing O", Capitol City". I can't fathom how they left "Message From
  14. I think in places Summerteeth certainly has a dated feel to it where you'd imagine that a bunch of tracks could have not been recorded at any other time that the late 90's ("Can't Stand It", "Shot In The Arm", "ELT", etc.) The same thing affects other records from around that time - i.e. Pavement's Terror Twilight, Neil Finn's Try Whistling This... Still, I think a few of the tracks hold up pretty well and transcend their timestamp - "She's A Jar", "Via Chicago" "How To Fight Lonliness", "In A Future Age".
  15. I fall into that category. Again, it's subjective but I feel like WTA (despite its flaws) is far more cohesive than TWL. That was probably the biggest dissapointment with TWL when it came out - it just felt all over the place and felt like three seperate records (playing simultaneously).
  16. I'm noticing that The Whole Love is ranking really low here. I know I ranked it at the bottom (I really do think it's their weakest album) but perhaps its low ranking has something to to with to the relative contrast between it and Star Wars?
  17. My particular gripe was that it was a pretty indulgent (and poorly written) reivew.
  18. The more I listen to Star Wars the more I'm hearing a Summerteeth vibe to it - particularly the level of detail to some of the tracks on repeated listens. For me (well, at this moment) this record is a concise mash-up of ST, Ghost and Loose Fur.
  19. Good review. Really good. "The musicianship boasted by this long-running Wilco lineup has always been something to marvel at, but they’ve never opened up their musical engine and let it roar like they do here. There’s true beauty in listening to the band let its wild side off the leash, and with all apologies to the wonderful warmth of the band’s ’70s pop rock era, it makes you wonder why they ever left their artier tendencies behind in the first place." ^ Yup.
  20. That's totally bizarre, but I do recall this being done before to sidestep copyright infringement. I'm presuming they imported the files into Audacity and used 'Paulstretch' to make the tracks longer but not affect the overall pitch. Someone should totally make an '8000 times slower' version of Star Wars.
  21. That review (in spite of liking the album) was.... I mean, really...that was like Pitchfork at a low bit-rate. Was there not an editor around?
  22. It would be far too presumptuous to say that Wilco have gone 'year zero' with the new album and this dry run at pitchfork, but really...did someone say strategy? 20 year retrospective > Winterlude performances > acoustic set > [no absolute indication of new material at SS] > [maybe later in the year] > new album > live run through of album. Talk about sucking me back in. Reinvention's an overused term, but I'm struggling to believe this has happened.
  23. Oh hell, why not? Ghost YHF Star Wars Summerteeth Being There Sky Blue Sky A.M Wilco The Album The Whole Love
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