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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. You will always be a bad guy because you make more money than someone else. Isn't that what the Democrats teach us?* * Yes, this is sarcasm and hyperbole (to a certain extent )
  2. Nobody is saying that. In fact, the Bush administration has been terribly wasteful and has spent way too much. Bush is a Republican, but in the economic sense, he's no conservative. Of course, no one on the GOP or Democratic ticket is.
  3. Since campaigning is nothing more than sound bites and 30-second ads, overly simplistic phrases are pretty much the order of the day. I know that when I argue about increasing tax rates it doesn't stem from the notion that all taxes are evil or unnecessary. I'm not an anarchist. But, no, philosophically, I don't think my rates should be increased and then have the government turn around and write a check to someone else who pays little to no tax in the form of a "tax refund." We have in place in this country plenty of subsistence/need programs for people who need the help. Yet with an i
  4. Stranger things have happened. At a certain point, though, all these different permutations just give me tired head. And I just get back to the fact that all Texas can do at this point (or any other team, for that matter) is just win the rest of its games and see what happens.
  5. We drop to 7 in the coaches' poll and OU gets a first place vote. Unreal.
  6. I could unfortunately see Florida moving up to 4. I would hope that Texas would only go to 5 and stay ahead of OU, but will voters be able to move OU down 2 spots after destroying Nebraska? I think they should, but you never know. The problem is that if there is a true three-way tie at 7-1 for the South champion, it will come down to BCS ranking, which is why it is important to stay ahead of OU. Hopefully, Tech loses its next 2 to OU and OSU, and we win out, but I really don't see us making our way into the title game. Penn State won't lose and they'll get in and then get destroyed by w
  7. I feel sick to my stomach. I thought it was over with that tipped pass. And then terrible coverage on that last play. Curtis Brown clearly has underneath responsibility with the safety coming over the top from the inside and he just overruns the play. I thought we had it won. Oh well, now it's time to win the rest and pray along with all the other 1-loss teams in the country. I just don't see Penn State losing.
  8. I have my American flag lapel pin on as we speak.
  9. I've been going up to people in the long lines and telling them they should go home and spend more time with their families. No need to vote, Obama's got this thing wrapped up. I do what I can to help people out.
  10. Yeah, unfortunately I missed them when they played the "Whiskey Glass Eye" show. Are they planning any others any time soon?
  11. I'm not sure why either party has an issue with this. For Wilco fans that already have it on DVD, there really is no need to shell out the extra money for it on Blu-Ray since the improvement in picture quality won't be great enough to justify the price. On the other hand, there's no reason not to release it on Blu-Ray, since it will be of higher quality, for those that want to complete a library or new fans since the movie's release. Every movie should get a hi-def transfer and blu-ray release.
  12. For some reason, Jubilee Dive completely flew under the radar. I almost wish they had just kept the name Slobberbone instead of changing everything up when the bass player moved. They have had to completely start over. I remember asking Brent after a show this spring if they were working on any new material and he said they might have some stuff recorded in the summer, but I haven't really heard anything since. If you haven't heard any Slobberbone/The Drams, you need to start at the beginning with Crow Pot Pie and go from there. They are all great albums. Their final concert in Denton
  13. Um, yeah. I thought we were outlawing jokes on this thread.
  14. Unfortunately, I think most people on this board actually share that view.
  15. School of Language - Sea from Shore Downloaded this recently from eMusic and it has been stuck in my head for the last week. Great album.
  16. Go Horns! Last real big test of the regular season Saturday night.
  17. Off the top of my head, I would say the Congressional Budget Office. But that might be too obvious or not specific enough.
  18. At this point in the process, jokes are about all I have left.
  19. I think Clinton and Reagan were both good-to-great presidents. Both had their faults, but both did a lot of good things, too.
  20. We could get an early start on the 2010 midterm elections.
  21. Yeah, I also temporarily forgot that everything in this topic is uber-serious.
  22. After reading the last few pages, it doesn't look like I've missed much in this thread. Work just keeps getting in the way (Rigging electronic voting machines in battleground states is time-consuming work). Looks like we might need a miracle in a week, at least when you start looking at state polls.
  23. When I went to the Touch, I was worried about the fact that I wouldn't be able to fit all my music on it. But the limited space just allows you to get creative and proactive with playlists and library organization. I don't really miss not having my entire library at my fingertips.
  24. I hope you like it! Although, I was coming at it with no expectations, so the taking-me-by-surprise feeling was a bonus.
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