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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. This is the only way. BTW, I heard that Obama is the love child of Bernardine Dohrn and Saul Alinsky!
  2. I don't see why not. That game has more potential to be a shootout than our game with OU. It will be interesting to see how Mizzou's defense performs against Oklahoma State this week, because they can put up a lot of points, too. If that game is similar to the Illinois game, then I think Mizzou will have trouble eventually. Although, their schedule is pretty easy with just OSU and Kansas at home and Texas as their only road test until the Big 12 championship.
  3. Alright, some Big 12 talk. I'll be perfectly happy if we go 1-1 over these next two weeks, although tomorrow's game is more important than the Missouri game, at least in terms of getting to the Big 12 championship game. I think Texas has a chance if we can just stop the big plays and force OU to have to sustain drives.
  4. Upon reading the subject heading, I figured this was referring to another A&M tradition that had fallen out of favor.
  5. Admittedly, the pilot episode is easily their worst. But the show really found its footing midway through that first season and has gotten better and better.
  6. You have got to be kidding me. Wake the fuck up. If you can't see how both parties are responsible for this mess, then all hope is lost.
  7. Yeah. That, too. I didn't watch it (seriously, I don't see how anyone still has the stomach for all of this), but from the clips I've seen, I think everyone's being pretty generous by saying it was a tie.
  8. It's clearly time to start rigging voting machines.
  9. It starts up October 30. I highly recommend it. Easily one of the 3 funniest shows on television right now.
  10. Who doesn't think Tina Fey is funny? Have they never watched 30 Rock?
  11. It does reek of desperation. But, the thing is, it just might work. Or work enough to swing enough close states. At this point, it's all McCain has left. They're not going to "win" over any more voters so they need to "scare" away as many voters as they can.
  12. Say what you will about him, but I still think his GWB impersonation is near perfect. Down to the mannerisms and facial expressions. The rest of his schtick has gotten pretty old, though. But how is John Madden not interesting? One of the most successful NFL coaches in its history, changed the landscape for color commentary during a game and is still one of the best, and is the face of one of the most successful video game franchises ever.
  13. Although I wouldn't necessarily call myself a McCain defender (rather, more of an Obama opposer), I've got Texas-OU weekend that I'm focusing most of my attention on this week. You know, priorities.
  14. Another impressive win, especially on the road in Boulder. I'm not getting my hopes up too high, though, for next week's showdown.
  15. Just one more example of the dangers of Oprah and The Secret
  16. What is the acceptable time frame to leave out-of-date political stickers on your car? I would think that if you had a Kerry/Edwards sticker on your car, it should have come off no later than November 30, 2004 (a one-month grace period). Furthermore, anyone that has W The President stickers should take those off by February 1 of next year. Only 11 days since there is plenty of advance warning.
  17. Huh? The main reason is his view on the responsibility of justices and who he would nominate based on that view. They go hand in hand. It's not the quote by itself. I know the main goal of these discussions is to lie in wait, looking for contradictions or "gotcha!" moments, but I'm not sure how you fail to see the correlation here.
  18. This issue hasn't come up very often, but you also haven't been paying attention. From a week ago
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