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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. This is probably the worst thing I have heard Obama say, and is the main reason I'm voting against him (although, there are plenty of others).
  2. Because it turns out that she isn't. I bet it would be hard to find too many fans at this point.
  3. I guess if you keep trying to run Obama against Palin, maybe it will come true. But to say any of those above things are worse than Obama's associations throughout his life and career is to stick your head in the sand and ignore the obvious.
  4. I completely agree. Let me be clear, I'm not trying to defend Palin in this instance. I just think those are odd follow-up questions to the initial one she asked. As a part-time reporter and the husband of one, it initially stuck out to me. I completely agree.
  5. So what one reads can influence thinking, but the people you associate with as a young and upcoming politician doesn't?
  6. I would agree with that, too. But, sometimes, stupid questions get stupid answers.
  7. To me, this is an odd line of questioning. Why does it matter? Why is it necessary for her to single out some of the publications she has read?
  8. Yes, the Bush administration (and all Republicans, I'm sure) are anti-animal and anti-environment.
  9. It's an unfortunate ruling because it effectively disallows states from making it legal for a property owner to kill a wolf that is attacking his or her livestock.
  10. I think the fine and suspension on Eric Smith was excessive. He's going in hard to dislodge the ball from Boldin and the hit from behind drove Boldin's head lower into the Smith's path. I understand the desire to protect players, but to fine and suspend someone for something that clearly lacks intent or malice rubs me the wrong way.
  11. The two go hand-in-hand in this instance. It was a bad bill. I'm not sure why everyone is upset that a bill that shouldn't have passed didn't wind up passing.
  12. This isn't accurate. Boehner was the only one making this ridiculous claim about Pelosi's speech being the reason for the vote, and it was clearly speculation on his part. The fact that Frank and Pelosi were leading the way on this bill should have been reason enough to vote against it.
  13. I'm not taking Boehner's word on anything. It's funny though that Pelosi would take the time to give a speech outlining Bush turning Clinton's surplus into deficits, as if that had anything to do with the problems we face today. (Before you focus on that, I'm not absolving Bush of any blame for the decline of the dollar or the vast increases in government spending over the last eight years. I understand all of that. I'm solely focusing on this issue.) And how can you take anything Barney Frank says on this matter with a straight face. If you had to blame one person for this entire mess,
  14. You should probably aim a little of that hatred in the direction of Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank. I'm not quite sure I understand your logic behind the opposition not being bipartisan other than your mantra of, "It's always Republicans' fault," but when the vote comes down 228-205 with 40% of Democrats voting against it, I'm not sure I see the highly partisan nature of the opposition.
  15. Here's an interesting video cutting together some clips from 2004. Of course, there is an obvious and transparent political slant to it, so I'm sure it will be dismissed out of hand, but it's still interesting. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Hearings
  16. Barber had 8 carries, Owens had 2 on end arounds/reverses. Inexplicable.
  17. Well, every time I hear Obama speak, I mutter "horseshit" under my breath, too. Hard to blame him for that.
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