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Everything posted by bleedorange

  1. My only problem with the original piece is that there is no solution offered. It merely comes across as whining and pleading with people to buy music (and not from Spotify, which is legal). But the toothpaste has already been squeezed out of the tube. There is no going back. People have been downloading free music for fifteen years.
  2. Plus, the HBO Go App is now available on the Kindle Fire too.
  3. In the case of the Rangers here recently, there might be more team members that have had a stomach virus than haven't had one. Derek Holland lost 15 pounds due to one and had to go on the DL with shoulder fatigue, and Nelson Cruz, Mike Napoli, and I think Ian suffered through one. Although, it was reported that Josh got his from his family. Not everything in life is a cover-up.
  4. I suppose. Although, if I were put in that situation, I would only answer in generalities. Then again, I always bristle at job talk. To me, it's the least interesting aspect of a person's life. But that's a whole other topic.
  5. What is there to elaborate on? A lot of these posts approach the subject with an inherent bias against management, capital, etc., and they're laced with the ugly assumptions that workers mean very little to those that employ them. I think it's sad that this blatant mistrust occurs. I also find it sad that one poster is peppered with ridiculous questions about the nature of his hires and the suspicion that they aren't legitimate or important or the right kind of hires or that he's simply making it up. And I think that this line of questioning comes from a place filled with hostility.
  6. There is a lot of animosity running through some of these posts. It's surprising. Not sure if it's anger or envy or what.
  7. I haven't listened to the song yet, but these are two of my favorites, so I'm really looking forward to it.
  8. I don't think gogo was saying that you don't have to be a real person, just that you don't have to share every single detail of your own life. And in Jules's case, even without going into specific details, he's been fairly forthcoming and consistent about what he does. Plus, I think it's pretty easy to tell when someone isn't being sincere. However, I don't think that's the case too often on this board (one of the reasons I find Via Chicago to be enjoyable).
  9. Of course...it's never wise nor helpful to talk about things as if they were absolute truths.
  10. I don't know that I would make the proclamation that the "private sector is doing fine." There might be small sections or certain industries that are enjoying nice profits, but for the most part, that's not the case. Since 2009, the company I work for has slashed management staff to the absolute minimum. And I'm hard-pressed to try to think of any friends, neighbors, or family members who have not suffered through layoffs, furloughs, pay cuts, etc. In fact, the ones that have sailed through relatively unscathed are the government workers.
  11. Which, of course, made it even funnier. At least, to me.
  12. Wasn't it "highy"? Or am I misremembering a typo?
  13. I have a Kindle Fire and absolutely love it. I've read more book since getting it than I have the previous 3 years. It's the perfect size and there are still a ton of great apps to download to it. I recommend it to everyone.
  14. All of those things exist on this forum...you just picked the wrong thread. But just because some fans really like the commercial doesn't mean they don't value and respect Wilco and their music.
  15. I was just trying to rile people up. Good to see GON back...he's been missed around here.
  16. I think it's funny for a variety of reasons. Mainly for the fact that a group thinks it would work and the fact that it might actually work. I can just imagine getting the phone call: "Hey honey! Good news, turns out we actually don't have to go vote today. Yippee!!"
  17. I think it's a travesty.
  18. I'll probably give it a listen, but my expectations are really low. I haven't liked any of his solo stuff and the last Old 97's album i liked was Drag It Up.
  19. It's still so early, though. We haven't even reached the summer.
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