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Posts posted by bleedorange

  1. You're blaming the wrong thing, though. I don't think limited release beers are ruining the craft beer scene. If anything, they add a sense of excitement and novelty to craft beer while allowing specific brewers to demonstrate their abilities.


    An unfortunate byproduct of these beers is that they tap into the hoarding mentality of the few who feel entitled to collect and trade as much as they can get their hands on. That's what creates the problems around these releases.

  2. She's incredible! Became obsessed with The Double EP and I love the new album. It's nice to see her getting all the early recognition. Hyden's been championing the new album ever since he first heard it, and that's a good story/interview on Grantland.

  3. As much as I love Dazed and Confused and the Before... films, I would consider Boyhood to be Linklater's crowning achievement so far. I thought it was nearly perfect. The Before films are snapshots of what the accumulation of time has done to Jesse and Celine and are very effective. But I feel Boyhood achieves more in showing the gradual passage of time as it happens. The way that certain events that may seem or feel monumental at the time turn out to be mere speed bumps when looked back upon. How quickly people can come in and out of your life without a moment's notice. And the way small events over time can help shape you as you become older.


    I also think it helps being filmed in Texas. Despite taking place 20 years after the general time period I grew up in, it really captures a lot of small familiar things about growing up here...from families in small towns to living in the suburbs to visiting Austin to exploring West Texas, etc. And even though my childhood experiences were nothing like the ones depicted here, it's just another part of the film that really hits for me.

  4. I think Birdman will win, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was Boyhood. Boyhood was my favorite by a mile.


    The movie that seems most overrated to me is Whiplash. Aside from the excellent acting, I thought it was an overcooked and unbelievable script. I found myself literally shaking my head in disbelief at some of the plot contrivances.


    Interesting. I obviously disagree, but I'm curious what you found to be a contrivance. Also, here's a great interview with the director:



  5. Less than a week away. I still have some nominated films to see, but here's how I would rank the Best Picture nominees so far:





    The Grand Budapest Hotel


    American Sniper

    The Imitation Game


    (I haven't seen The Theory of Everything yet.)


    It appears that The Imitation Game is the front runner for a Screenplay win, which is confounding. It was the weakest part of a mediocre film. Oh well. Inherent Vice and Whiplash are certainly more deserving in this category

  6. The problem is that Kanye sort of has a point regarding black artists and Album of the Year. It's just that Beck is not the right artist to go after here.



    but “Album of the Year” award winners, for the most part, are white. The winners since 2008? Beck, Daft Punk, Mumford & Sons, Adele, Arcade Fire, Taylor Swift, and Robert Plant & Alison Krauss. The last black artist to win “Album of the Year” who was born after 1941 was Outkast, in 2004, and in the 57 years of Grammy Awards, only 12 “Album of the Year” winners have been black artists (3 of them have been Stevie Wonder). Only two hip-hop albums, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill by Lauryn Hill and Speakerboxxx/The Love Below by Outkast, have been so honored. Awards like “Record of the Year” are even more egregious—the last black artist who wasn’t recording a duet with a white star to win the award was Seal, whose “Kiss From a Rose” won in 1996.


    Song of the Year is a songwriter's award. It rewards the songwriter for a song released (or that "first achieved prominence") during the past eligibility year. Record of the Year rewards a song's performance and production. Record of the Year recognizes the artist, the producers, and the recording engineers and mixers. Both Song of the Year and Record of the Year reward individual songs, but they recognize different aspects of the songmaking process.

  8. I'll second the Sufjan Stevens sets.



    The Anita Kerr Singers - Spend This Holiday With Me


    Although I mainly listen to barbershop choruses' Christmas albums. My dad sang for a chorus (Heart of Texas) and their album is probably my favorite. And anything from the Vocal Majority, which is based in Dallas, and probably the best chorus in the country. There are also some albums from various quartets that are really good too.


    And there are a ton of songs that I'll shuffle through.


    I love Christmas music.

  9. Anyone hear George Tenet spew his defense of the CIA's torture policy while it under his reign? Pathetic.


    The various defenses and rationales behind the use of torture are driving me nuts. Moral and ethical reasons aside, it's not even effective.

  10. He said the schools are making out like bandits and he has no children.  Schools rarely make out like bandits and not having kids is no reason you don't pay taxes.




    My lord. It's a figure of speech. To make out like bandits simply means that they are getting money and providing nothing to him, personally.


    You claimed he said this:


    Oh I get it, only people with children should pay for schools. And if you can't pay then I guess your kids don't get educated.


    I love the word Dickensian.




    You're ridiculous.

  11. Funny you should bring it up, since I never said or even suggested either one of those things.


    Aren't you used to people here jumping to the worst possible conclusions about something you've written? Of course, that's true of the entire internet.

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