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d. boony

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Everything posted by d. boony

  1. I'm not familiar with most of the bands that will be playing. I made up a Rhapsody setlist with a few from songs from each and i've been listening to it as background music in my office. So far, I've been pleasantly surprised. I hope I'll come to love some of them by June.
  2. There can be no doubt: At this point they're just messing with us. Getting our hopes up before letting us down gently by telling us that Bieber can't make it afterall.
  3. umm, what? I think there's a fly in the SolidSound Web Ointment. Or they are in the midst of updating. Or they are bringing back the exact same lineup: http://solidsoundfestival.com/lineup/ My guess is that they are currently updating, meaning the lineup should be here soon!
  4. Adding to the mix: Father John Misty? oo la la.
  5. They are definitely a good match in terms of overlapping fan bases, and I'd be thrilled (as a member of that overlapping fan base....). But Westerberg hasn't been shy in admitting that this reunion is about the money. I'm sure he enjoys it as well but its origin is financial - they were offered headliner money at events like Riotfest, Coachella etc... Which is obviously a bigger payday than SS. But either way, it would be head-exploding amazing if somehow Jeff etal recruited them.
  6. I know Tommy joined Wilco last time around, but it's really hard for to imagine the 'Mats playing Solid Sound. They've been getting headline rates at big festivals the past couple summers, which I would think is outside of the SSF talent budget. And I'm also just not sure they're a good fit. On the other hand, wow - that would be a GREAT lineup. Tweedy and Westerberg doing an old 'Mats song? yousers.
  7. It's actually an interesting idea, and one that got me thinking...
  8. For what it's worth we brought our young daughter last time and plan to do it again. Perhaps it's because we have The World's Greatest Child Evah!* but she has never been a problem at a variety of small, local-ish music festivals. At Solid Sound, we make sure she takes a nap before we arrive - meaning we don't get there until 1:30 or 2:00. We make sure to visit the kid-friendly areas often, and if there's band I really want to see, my wife covers child duties (or vice-versa). Last time around we got lawn seating in the far back, on the hill, for both Wilco sets. If I recall correctly, th
  9. I'm a lighter-weight, apparently! Two Heady Toppers is a pretty serious commitment for me. And I agree re: Trillium. That's some fantastic stuff. /offtopic.
  10. Very nice - never had Ghandi Bot but Utica Club is a nice brew. I maintain that 'Topper and all these other new strong beers should be sold in 6 or 8 ounce cans/bottles. One might not seem enough, but opening a 2nd is pretty much a commitment to getting drunk. If things go as planned for Lawsons, Sip O' Sunshine will be more widely available soon. They are producing it in a much larger brewery down in CT now. Great stuff.
  11. Already counting the days. We will be coming from northern Vermont with a stash of Heady Toppers and Second Fiddle. If you enjoy beer and you haven't sampled those tasty treats, let me find you in the parking lot and donate some heaven to your cause. Much as I know it won't happen, I'd love to see the 'Mats. More realistically, I've always felt Grace Potter would be a good fit.
  12. I'm a wee bit surprised that Grace Potter has never appeared at Solid Sound. Good musical fit, great festival-ish band that could attract people across genres, and apparently Wilco fans because they've covered a couple songs. Plus they just kick ass.
  13. Uncle Tupelo opened for the Mat's in New Haven, 1991? Where's my rewind button? At that time I was: 1) a huge Mat's fan, having cut my high school teeth on Let it Be and Tim 2) a somewhat lesser UT fan, having cut those same high school teeth in the metro-east St Louis area and 3) Living in central CT! I was poor and living in the middle of nowhere at the time but still...Wow. Can't believe that got by me.
  14. That was one of my favorite Wilco shows! I still remember the jokes about playing in a high school gymnasium. They seem to sell better when they do outdoor shows in VT. I wish they were able to do Shelburne museum again - that was a great venue for them.
  15. I should add: Jeff was quite talkative - and even a bit more caustic in his comments than his usual sarcastic self. I was waiting for quips about his sister, a frequent topic when he comes to Burlington and she shows up. Apparently she didn't attend or Jeff decided she didn't need any good-natured ribbing.
  16. Quick recap - others will have to contribute a set list: I was pleasantly surprised at how well the new stuff holds up live. I haven't fallen in love with the Tweedy album but many of those cuts sounds fantastic in a live venue. The band sounded great - I particularly enjoyed the live version of Low Key and Diamond Light. The crowd was polite and quiet during the Tweedy set. The sappy side of me really enjoyed watching Jeff and his son interact. It's got to be quite a dream for Jeff. They seemed to play off each other well and you don't get the impression that Spencer is star-struck
  17. Damn! I thought I had great seats. Row D. See, if was at Higher Ground I'd be Row A courtesy of a very early arrival
  18. I can't believe I get to see another Tweedy solo-ish set in my hometown of Burlington. Wilco somehow manages to come to this rather out-of-the way town of 40,000 with amazing regularity. Looking forward to the September 29th show. I would complain that I prefer Higher Ground to the Flynn, but that would be... nitpicking.
  19. Before we had a child, I used to catch just about every decent show that came through Burlington (my hometown). Now Ryan Freaking Adams plays within 1/2 mile of my house and not only don't I attend, I don't even know about it! Maybe when she's 4 or 5 we'll be able to partially reconnect. At least her first live music show was last year's Solid Sound.
  20. I believe it's Spencer that makes an appearance in that show - right about 1:37. Hilarious!
  21. I have a CD of that final Uncle Tupelo show - Found it in an indy record store in Oregon as a 'release' from some obscure 'label' that I doubt was authorized. But damn is it a good show - and interesting to see the video. I love both the bands that UT produced but the combination of those two was really something remarkable.
  22. AM: I Must be High Being There: Sunken Treasure Summerteeth: ELT YHF: Pot Kettle Black AGIB: Hell is Chrome Sky Blue Sky: Either Way WTA: One Wing The Whole Love: Art of Almost
  23. At least that's what you said....
  24. Oh my! I clearly spend a lot of time listening to music and zero time attempting to play it...
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