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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Thats a pretty excellent post, there.
  2. Texting at a funeral would probably be disrespectful, but I wouldn't get mad. You don't know what the person is texting about, frankly, so I don't think it's fair to judge. And disrespectful =/= bothersome. You aren't arguing it is disrespectful to text at a concert. You are arguing it detracts from others enjoyment of the show.
  3. And if it is an opening band that they don't care about, who is it hurting? That's what I'm not getting. You are using this whole abstract idea of the community in your argument, but it doesn't really exist. It's just a bunch of people at a concert, some enjoying, and some not. But nobody is being hurt by this. It's a victimless crime, and you have to actively let it bother you for it to really be a problem. As far as I can tell, your gripe isn't that it is bothersome, but that it disturbs this utopian ideal you have for concerts. Sorry, but this seems like just about the most harmless thi
  4. Fair points, but I also don't think it's a stretch or unfair to say that many of Obama's supporters are definitely sheep. You wouldn't have any problem with me saying that about, say Bush or McCain supporters, but if someone says it about Obama, it's just a GOP talking point.
  5. Ok. But it's still the opener. If they are standing in the back like he said, how is there any problem? And still, how does it affect your concert experience?
  6. How is texting distracting to anyone in a concert environment? During a fucking opening band, no less. Seriously, I don't see how someone sending a text message (a wholly personal and silent activity) can hamper your ability to enjoy a show, unless you let it. The only way I can really see it being a problem is if you just get pissed off everytime you see the blue glow of a cell phone in someone's hands.
  7. I text very often. Like I said, alot of people have an irrational hatred of it (I suppose because of the stereotype of "lol omg hai"), but it's convenient.
  8. If someone says something good and worthwhile, who cares about why he says that? For instance, if I read his book, and it helps me or fulfills me in some way, why should I care what he does with the book or what his aim for the book was?
  9. Message and messenger should be viewed seperately 90% of the time. Lots of assholes have said good, worthwhile things.
  10. Somebody hates you in this thread. That's odd, since they've never met you. It's also weird that they haven't posted anything since you actually started posting in here. I'd like to hear their hate thing.
  11. Might have to cancel my trip to see Weezer in Georgia the week before, though..
  12. I felt almost nothing to it the first few times I listened to it. But then when I went back a few weeks later, it just blew me away.
  13. Well, everyone else seemed so mad, and who doesn't like to be a part of a good rabble?
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