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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. No, Larry's just a fucking prick sometimes, especially when it comes to me... Dear mods, sorry for doing this again... But I wouldn't worry about it since it's been his calling card for the last two years and apparently no admins or mods have said anything to him, so apparently it's all cool.
  2. I'm betting nobody from here is going to go.
  3. man, the Heat were bad this year. It wasn't a lack of talent, just the talent not working together. A Michael Beasley or Derrick Rose makes this a playoff team next year.
  4. This is kind of like when Willie Mays was with the Mets. You know it's Willie Mays, but it's so sad and pathetic that you almost hope it's someone else.
  5. So, it's like schtick at this point, right? I mean, you've gotta be dialing it in. You are better than this. You've become the Gallagher of Viachicago.
  6. I mean, I don't have too much love for the state, but come on. I would say something bad about Iowa, except that I happen to know numerous people from there who don't suck. Theshua is not one of them.
  7. How about you go fuck yourself, huh?
  8. I know there was only one real MLB game today, but god I can't help but love that the Marlins are playing so well. Man, that offense is something else. Hermida is so good.
  9. Cod, that would make me lol.
  10. Good point. I've always wanted to be a part of a "Nation". I could never get into the Nation of Islam, so maybe the Red Sock Nation is the one for me.
  11. You don't even need to do that. Everyone in the country is on the edge of their seats waiting for the scores, I don't want to have an unfair advantage.
  12. Sounds like I really need to find a place to watch this game tonight!
  13. I'm just saying, if the gas companies would stop throwing money at unreal solutions like e85 which don't fix any of the problems with the current situation, and the government would stop subsidizing both the gas companies and farmers for e85 production and people would focus on real, renewable, clean energy sources, they would be a lot cheaper and faster.
  14. I know, but the president promised I'd have it by like 10th grade.
  15. I think it's really funny that people talk about going green and then mention e-fucking-85, the production of which puts more greenhouse gasses in the atmopshere than the production of gas. Can I just get my hydrogen fuel cell now? Please?
  16. The best part: When Dwight shows up with his "date" you just hear Pam in the background say "Awesome" really low. I laughed so hard.
  17. I'd feel bad for the Nats getting swept in the first series in their park if it wasn't the Marlins doing the sweeping. First place, 2 quality starts in a row!
  18. I think this is how I feel, except I didn't really enjoy it, whereas yourboyblue did.
  19. "Dracula's Daughter" is fucking hysterical!
  20. I don't think Ricky Gervais is very funny and he has none of the redeeming quality's michael scott does. I also don't think their "Dwight" or "Jim" were as funny.
  21. I didn't really like the british version.
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