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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. I'm gonna say a series of Yankees and Cubs. But really, the Yankees are the only team I feel sure about making it. Anyone could come out of the NL, really. But I think the Yankees are going to take the AL. Arods gonna have a huge PS...
  2. The best time you'll ever have at a rock show.
  3. Can someone explain this one a bit more in detail?
  4. Ok, man. We get it, you don't like them and think this isn't cool, or something. Whatever.
  5. Omg, I can't believe I just missed that ending. As I was walking back from the office, the Rockies were done by 2 and one of the greatest closers of all time is coming in. And I walk in just as Holliday scores the game winning run. Wow.
  6. I like too much shitty music, it's true...
  7. I'm probably the only person on this board that legitimately likes Mayer... Continuum is an extremely solid disc, and I've grown to not really care that liking him makes everybody on the board point and laugh at me.
  8. I'm gonna pay 4.9 pounds, which should be 10 dollars.
  9. You aren't as angry as I figured you would be. Did Cody Ross take this picture?
  10. It is unprecendented for a band as big as Radiohead to do it. And it will change things much more than Wilco did because like it or not, Radiohead is much bigger than Wilco.
  11. It's a brilliant move by them that shun's conventional industry standards. It will serve the purpose of gaining goodwill amongst music fans, getting their music out there, and making more money than if they had gone the normal rout. Sure it's an obvious move, but they are first major band to realize it or to have the balls to do it. Thats why it's a big deal.
  12. He's not a bum. Trent Green is a bum. Manning just has too high expectations. If he wasn't Peyton's brother, and he didn't play in New York, people would see him for what he is, an average NFL quarterback who has a lot of learning to do if he wants to reach the upper echelon.
  13. BEcause they are a band that has something like 15 million records sold worldwide, and they are releasing an album without a label, and letting their fans decide what they feel is a fair price for it. How is it not a big deal?
  14. Basically, Tulowitzki's defensive advantage isn't enough to make up for Braun's ridiculous bat. Tulowitzki had a nice campaign, a 107 OPS+ isn't really amazing, but for a rookie shortstop it's good. Add his defense, and any other year he'd be a hands down winner. But Braun put up just ridiculous offensive numbers, and I don't think the defensive gap can make up for it. Though, in all fairness, baseball prospectus disagrees with me. Braun's WARP3 is 5.2 while Tulowitzki's is a truly ridiculous 10.1. It could go either way, I just think Braun's bat puts him above Tulowitzki's glove.
  15. Yeah, it's all well and good when lesser known bands do this, but when Radiohead does it, it is an exceedingly big deal for the music industry. Because Radiohead is a HUGE FUCKING BAND. They are really popular. This has the potential to change the record industry. It probably won't, but I wouldn't be surprised to see more and more bands do stuff like this before long.
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