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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Fight almost broke out in the Marlins game. This has been a crazy game. 2 hit batters, Marlins manager was thrown out after arguing an awful call, Abraham Nunez got punched in the head when Miguel Olivo tried to throw a base stealer out and Nunez leaned out in front of the plate, Jon Leiber threw behind Dontrelle Willis, Willis threw behind Leiber, Willis and the Phillie's bench had words, and the benches cleared, nobody was tossed, but both benches have been warned. I was at a baseball game and a hockey game almost broke out.
  2. I'll be there until the wee hours of the morning. Not going to bed until 5 am has it's benefits, I guess.
  3. I didn't even notice that. I would've liked to see him.
  4. I saw the Lips at Langerado and I didn't have to fight the crowd too much to get a good spot, but that was a festival with 20k as opposed to 60k. I'm not sure what I'm gonna do. All this scheduling is getting me really excited. I'm thinking Thursday will be a mostly comedy night, except for the National.
  5. I think it's a great lineup. Sweet!
  6. Ugh. Decemberists and Wilco overlap by half an hour. Guess I'll see an hour of Decemberists, then run over for Wilco (probably get a bad spot) then run back for the Stripes. The Police followed by the Flips will be the highlight. I'm not sure if I'm gonna stay for the Police the whole time. Want to get a good spot for the Flips. Thats gonnabe a tough call.
  7. Well, I'm not likely to change my opinion on it anytime soon. I think maybe Band On The Run, McCartney, and Ram are the only ones that come close.
  8. The Pavano and Wright signings were back when King George had final say over the roster decisions. Since that awful offseason Cashman has been in charge and has done a much better job. Pavano was an awful signing. He had one good year and was rewarded with a foolish contract. He is a groundball pitcher who benefitted from the Marlins having 3 gold glove caliber infielders that season. The Yankees infield defense is not good at all (with Mientkiwicz they improved somewhat, but are still pretty awful), so he was never going to be good with them.
  9. I don't think he's going to get traded, at least not this season. But if he does get traded I wouldn't expect anything until the all star break at the earliest. They want to get the rest of the rotation healthy before they make any moves. If Nolasco, Johnson, and Anibal Sanchez can get healthy and pitch well by the deadline I wouldn't be surprised to see them move him, but I wouldn't expect to see him in a Mets uniform, like most of the reports indicate. They'd have to give up Mike Pelfrey and Lastings Milledge plus one more in order for the Marlins to move him within the division, and I'm not
  10. I'm not sure what you are getting at. The Marlins aren't a very good ball club (as hard as it is for me to admit) so regardless of how much fun they have, they aren't going to win a lot of games. But they are also a young team with a lot of clowns (Dontrelle Willis, Cabrera, Hanley Ramirez, and Alfredo Amezaga often have dance contests. The other night Aaron Boone even got in on it, it was quite humorous), so they'll probably have a lot of fun regardless.
  11. I'm sure they get rattled, like when a pitcher throws up and in. I'm not really sure Arod strikes out with the bases loaded because Jason Giambi wouldn't give him a slice of pie. I'll admit it has some effect, but I would say the fact that they have no pitching right now and have had like 49 players get injured has a lot (Like, a whole lot) more to do with why they are losing so much. If this team gets healthy, they are going to go on a long winning streak and all of a sudden, everyone's going to say the distractions are gone and Torre is going to be happy again. Winning will cure whatever
  12. Hey, by all means, bash them. But don't be shocked that everyone looks at the Sox and Yankees as two sides of the same coin and all that. I mean, I love a good rivalry (there was a time when I don't think any rivalry matched the intensity of the Knicks vs. Heat, and it was great), but this one's a little bit overblown. I mean, does ESPN really need to show all 19 games they play against each other? I just hate that "THE GREATEST RIVALRY" ever thing is always shoved down our throats. And I don't think Yankees Mystique really applies in the age of free agency. I mean, does Bobby Abreu really
  13. Minktkiewicz is not a good hitter, so thats an awful example. And of course Arod cooled off, you can't slug .800 for a whole year, this is regression the mean, and he's still putting up sick numbers overall. He's gonna heat up again. I've never been a big fan of Cano's and I always thought he was kind of flukey (even though he did it for 2 years). He's got low contact rates for a .300 hitter, and eventually I thought it would catch up to him. He's not a .342 hitter, and .290 is probably closer to his ability (though Batting Average is based on a lot of luck). Player's relationships c
  14. I was referring to the reasons for each one affecting the team. Yes, ownership, manager and players affect the game, but not for the reasons he stated. I'll explain why! 1. Their pitching. This is why they have been bad. (And Giambi, Cano and Damon are all playing like shit.) 2. Ownership. What does Stienbrenner being in a wheelchair have to do with a team being 4 games under .500? Brian Cashman is running the team and he's done a really good job in the last few years picking up solid pitching prospect. They've got no positional prospects in the minors (I think they've got some 18 y/o name
  15. Awful loss for the fish. We need a legit CFer if we want to contend.
  16. I used it when I was at school because it's harder for the school to track. I found almost everything I needed there.
  17. I am enjoying the album on first listen. It's probably not as good as Chaos, but thats because Chaos may be his best album. But it's pretty good.
  18. Probably shouldn't post the link, PM's are better, but thanks.
  19. Something like that. In other news Elijah Dukes is an asshole!
  20. 3 of these 4 things have absolutely no effect on the game on the field. Can you guys which one does?
  21. I just want to know where I can find Zwan stuff.
  22. You used to work with Jewel?
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