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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Pete Rose bet on the Reds every night!! And water is wet!
  2. 1. Janitor 2. Cox 3. The Todd 4. Turk+JD 5. Kelso
  3. Don't know anything about the show, but I am a big fan of the Gilmore girls:
  4. Thats another good one.
  5. How you didn't include "Today Your Love, Tomorrow The World" baffles me to this day.
  6. Miguel Cabrera was up to about 230 at the beginning of last season before he trimmed down to about 200 at the end of April... And I don't mind if he's doing that 40 times a year. Taken a few days ago, he doesn't look too bad.
  7. I grew up with the Panthers, so I wouldn't want them taken away...
  8. Thats pretty damn impressive. Now let's see if they have chart staying power...
  9. You are just trying to stir the pot. And god damnit, do I love it.
  10. Don't think I've ever walked out of a show...
  11. You don't look anything like Pete Townshend! I think Odin's probably the second best player in college right now. I just think Durant's got it all. He reminds me of Kevin Garnett if he puts on some muscle.
  12. Didn't he have like 19 rebounds the other day? He'll be fine.
  13. It's probably because he's faking it. What a bitch.
  14. Elite Eight Florida vs Winthrop Florida moves on to Final Four Texas vs Georgetown Texas moves on to the Final Four Kansas vs UCLA Kansas moves on to the Final Four Ohio St. vs. Memphis Ohio St. moves on to the Final Four Final Four Florida defeats Kansas Texas defeats Ohio St. Final Texas defeats Florida 84-77
  15. The highs on the new album aren't as high as they were on Funeral, but it's chockful of good songs. This sounds like a band that is a little less confident than they were on Funeral. They seem slightly uncomfortable with their status as a "new-classic" band after one album, and so they don't seem sure whether to take that and run with it with huge, bombastic anthems like "Antichrist" or "No Cars Go" or go more lowkey with songs like "Neon Bible" or "My Body Is A Cage", so most of the time they settle for something in the middle. Nothing as gripping as "Neighborhood 1" or "Power Out", both of
  16. If I was a moderator I'd bannerate you for posting such rubbish.
  17. You guys are all incredibly wrong, I don't even know where to begin. I mean, YHF and Being There first? Hah, did you even pay attention to those albums? The definitive list is AM BT ST YHF AGIB SBS If I see anything else but this in the thread I'm cracking skulls.
  18. The Fall Out Boy cd. It's really not that bad.
  19. I'd love to see the NHL contract. They got too big too fast, and that had a lot to do with the lockout. There are simply not enough great players to justify 30 teams in the league.
  20. I love the Flaming Lips live show, as it's the most fun I've ever had at a concert, but they aren't a great band live. They just have fun. Wayne doesn't even play the guitar tracks anymore, and his voice has lost a lot. I'll put the White Stripes up on my list, since I seem to have forgotten to earlier.
  21. Thats still the best news I've heard all year though.
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