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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. If I could only have one song, I'd take "Astral Weeks".
  2. She looks like an ugly version of Drew Barrymore.
  3. Ashlee Simpson is nowhere even close to Jessica Simpson.
  4. Come on, at the very least play Orlando, please?
  5. If ever there is a movie made about my life, that song will be the theme song. Hysterical song.
  6. Every person I've reccomended it to has fallen in love with that book, and I hope it does the same for you. Simply put, it's perfect.
  7. Stevie Ray Vaughn is obviously black, thats why he's so good at the blues. And look at all of you, telling John Mayer he can't do something because of the color of his skin. You should be ashamed.
  8. Probably London Calling. Such an amazing piece of work, and its so diverse. Not sure I could live without it. Though that leaves me without Abbey Road and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. It's between those 3.
  9. Man, if the great albums keep on coming at this pace this year may be the best year for music in a really long time.
  10. I would ask if the reason you hate him so much is because you were going out with Jessica Simpson before he did and he stole her from you, but I thought thats probably the least likely scenario ever. It's cool that you know him personally and you know his entire personal history so you can judge him as fucking idiot and a wannabe and arrogant shit eater. Post of the day.
  11. Thats such bullshit. What gives SRV any more legitimacy than Mayer? Because he developed a cocained addiction at the age of 32? Or because you've given him posthumous legitimacy because he died young? John Mayer was in the hospital at the age of 17 for cardiac arrhythmia. And he suffers from crippling panic attacks, according to wikipedia. Does that make him any more bluesy? Or is Cocain addiction a prerequisite to the blues? And if so, do you discount all of SRV's work before the age of 30? And if cocaine is a good indicator of bluesiness, Eric Clapton is even bluesierer than SRV. Or mayb
  12. My favorite travel writer is Bill Bryson. He manages to make travel writing exciting and fun for the reader, and he's hysterical.
  13. I guess by Rock I meant singers of the rock era, meaning from 1950 to now. Basically, best singer.
  14. What the hell does Buddy Guy know about music? And "Come Back To Bed" migh as well be called "John Mayer reinterprets 'Lover You Should've Come Over'". (That is a good performance though. Double Trouble joined them too.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3gYuCYT8Dc Great video of Buddy and John. Buddy kicks his ass, but it's still pretty sweet.
  15. Remember when that one guy used to come on here and say that "I'm A Wheel" was like Sesame Street? And then he said he would do an orchestral reprise of Hummingbird if he was Jeff Tweedy? I miss him.
  16. Guess who's on the cover of the newest issue of Rolling Stone?
  17. Anyone know how DJ Shadow is live? I'd be excited to see him.
  18. I know this is an excercise that we do like 10 times a year, but in the past few days I've been listening to alot of Jeff Buckley, and I've been considering his place amongsts music's great singers. I've decided he falls somewhere after Freddie Mercury and Roger Daltrey (circa 1970), but before Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Bono. So: 1. Freddie Mercury 2. Roger Daltrey (Who's Next) 3. Jeff Buckley 4. McCartney 5. Lennon 6. Bono (In the 80's, before he tried to be ironic, and before he tried to be the messiah) 7. David Bowie 8. Joe Strummer 9. Bruce Springsteen 10. Johnny Cash
  19. Does that mean black people aren't allowed to make happy music?
  20. I'll recomend my favorite 5 books (Kidsmoke will be familiar with this list) Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore The Curious Incident of the Dog In The Nighttime by Mark Haddon Ishmael by Daniel Quinn Me Talk Pretty one Day by David Sedaris Life of Pi by Yann Martel All amazing books.
  21. Would you like some making fuck?
  22. Well, South Florida sucks for live music so I've only seen 3 of those bands, and some of my favorite bands are on there, so the family is seriously considering doing this.
  23. My mom is looking up RV prices right now. See you there?
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