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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. Personally, I think "clutch" is completely coincidental. If you look, you'll probably see that Ortiz's stats with the opportunity to end the game are very similar to his stats at any other time. I mean, Alex Gonzalez hit a walk off home run to end a World Series game, but he's not considered "Clutch". Also, I think alot of Ortiz's walk off hits came because pitchers are more afraid of Manny than Ortiz (probably because he's a better hitter), and they'd rather try to beat Ortiz than Ramirez.
  2. Actually, right now it's just going to hit the Keys and keep going.
  3. The weather gets really nice right before and right after a hurricane though. You won't have the heat wave.
  4. Oh. Ok. They keep playing "Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots" at this Lacrosse game I'm watching on ESPN. Odd.
  5. Hey, that tropical storm has the same name as me!
  6. Apparently, ARod is doing better than Ortiz in the "clutch" categories.
  7. It was a lot of fun. I'm going to start golfing more often, I think.
  8. My friend and I went golfing today. I had a 132 in 18 holes. Thats pretty terrible, but it was my first time golfing.
  9. It's hard to believe they played I Got You so much when they barely ever play it now.
  10. "hey, you little porch monkey! Oh, it's cool. I'm taking it back"
  11. No, I'm not stupid enough to actually drive in Miami...
  12. That was a pretty terrible signing, wasn't it? Though it would've been pretty bad even if he had been healthy.
  13. Indians second baseman Ron Belliard is expected to be traded to the Cardinals if he makes it through Sunday's game healthy, FOXSports.com has learned. The Cardinals also could acquire right-handed reliever Guillermo Mota in the deal, but the Indians are still talking about Mota with other clubs. Belliard, 31, recently missed six games with a hamstring injury, but returned to the Indians' lineup Saturday. The Cardinals want to make sure that he is fully recovered before completing the deal. Belliard entered Sunday's play batting .289 with a .335 on-base percentage, eight homers and 44 RBI
  14. Also, Corey Lidle will give the Yankees some league average pitching, which they haven't been getting from almost any of their starters aside from Mussina and Wang. I'd say this is a great move for them.
  15. I have to say though, any team that adds Bobby Abreu automatically is a better team.
  16. The Philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees have a tentative deal to send Phillies right fiedler Bobby Abreu and pitcher Cory Lidle to New York ESPN.com's Buster Olney reported Sunday. ESPN.com's Jayson Stark reported the Yankees will send 18-year-old minor-league shrotstop C.J. Henry -- their No. 1 pick in 2005 -- and 27-year-old left-handed reliever Matt Smith. The Phillies will also pick one other minor-leauge player from an agreed-upon list, while the Yankees will take on responsibility for Abreu and Lidle's contracts. Abreu is hitting .277 with 8 home runs and 65 RBI in 99 games. H
  17. I actually might like this movie more than I liked Clerks, if you'll believe it. It wasn't as deliberatly paced, which has always been my biggest problem with Clerks (Which is probably my 4th favorite Kevin Smith movie after Chasing Amy, Mallrats, and Dogma). The original clerks has that indie-film "this shot means nothing, but we are including it and showing it for far too long just because we can. ha!" feel. This movie definetly feels like it had a purpose, and it had just the right balance of heart and humor to work. You can obviously tell that Kevin Smith has matured, and while the Donkey
  18. I've already given away all of my copies of the cd's.
  19. I forgot to mention she got a new car, so that car is essentially mine now.
  20. Congrats to the anniversariers. Once I get insurance on Monday, I can officially drive as much as I want. I'm using my sister's car for now because the Jetta needs work (and may just end up getting sold if it's not worth fixing). My sister, the doll she is, left the car a mess and left it with an empty gas tank.
  21. The worst part of this is the repeal of the estate tax that is tacked onto the minimum wage hike.
  22. "Dreaming of You" by the Coral is a pretty kick ass song.
  23. Is Miner considered a top prospect? I haven't really heard anything about him.
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