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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. It doesn't excuse cheating, it explains why people did it, Lammy. And yeah, I wish they would all come out and say it. It's so fucking easy to get away with it. You fail a drug test, all you say is "I did it once" and everyone forgives you. I don't believe for a second that Pettite only used one time, but nobody cares anymore.
  2. Of course getting busted falls on the individual, but at the time, it made too much sense to take steroids because nobody gave a shit. How many players face legitimate legal trouble for steroid use? 1? Barry is the only one I can think of, to be honest. If I'm a player during the 90's and you told me I could make 7 figures more and face a like .3 percent chance of getting into any legitimate trouble for it, I'd have taken steroids all day every day. And Lammy, who did play by the rules? Everyone assumed A-Rod was clean and now it comes out that he took them. There are so many guys that we ju
  3. I really think sometimes that a lot of the best writing ever was done by children's authors.
  4. And the reason I say this is because with the amount of money that was been thrown around for free agents from 1994-2004 and since there were absolutely no penalties for it at the time, there was no reason from a baseball standpoint to not take steroids. In Will Carroll's book The Juice, an anonymous minor leauger is quoted as saying "Look, if you told me shooting bull piss would get me ten more home runs, fine." There was simply too much to gain and not enough to lose for players to NOT take steroids. And in this way, MLB has to take a huge chunk of the blame.
  5. Let's think about this logically. You are a fringe player. A good, not great guy, who could hit 10 home runs, play some defense, and hit for a little average. You were a good, not great player who was having a hard time sticking. You're telling me those guys had no incentive to take steroids? They had a 10 million dollar incentive to improve. Baseball prospectus crunched the numbers for me. Comparing established home run rates, they looked at rates of power spikes of 10 home runs per 650 PA based on how many home runs on average players hit. So basically, how many guys who usually hit 10-1
  6. I think the evidence is starting to mount that if everyone didn't do it, a large percentage of the best players in the game did. There are going to be plenty of guys out there who will simply get away with it. I really wouldn't be shocked if you gave me any name linked to steroid use. Bagwell? I could see it. Griffey? I've been thinking it for years. Pujols? He's either lying about his age or drinking steroid cocktails for breakfast. You'd have been an idiot to not take steroids before 2004. And Lammy, MLB didn't create this but: People all over baseball didn't want this to stop
  7. You know, this thread is just making me realize how little i've read over the past few years, and I think this is the reason I feel like my writing is getting worse and I'm getting dumber.
  8. I haven't tried in about 6 years, but when I originally tried reading that book, I absolutely could not get through it.
  9. The Phantom Tollbooth (instilled in me a love of reading and wordplay that I carry with me to this day. I read it at least once a year and as I get older, even more often.) The Life of Pi by Yann Martel Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris Lamb: The Gospel According To Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien I think it's somewhat interesting to note that at least 3 of these books deal somewhat directly with the art and nature of story telling (Tollbooth, Things They Carried, and Pi).
  10. Oh, ok. Yeah, our 1,000 yard freshman reciever last year was unranked until like, 3 days before signing day, and then he was just a two star. Rivals had a story about how a lot of stuff that they don't consider on rivals (the intangibles) can make or break a prospect much more than their ranking.
  11. It doesn't change it, but it should. A failed drug test should be the only way someone should be denied for PEDs, in my opinion, and even then it's on a case by case basis. We aren't going to know how far drug use in baseball went and still goes because MLB wants to get a few scapegoats and make it seem like scattered cases. Bonds is your scapegoat, and he's taking the fall for all steroid use in baseball, and that's ok. Someone has to. But the fact of the matter is so many people used it that are never going to be found out.
  12. Well, in my opinion, before, when he hadn't failed a test, there wasn't a discussion. He was the best player of his generation, but now that there is evidence of a failed test there is should be a discussion over what effect the steroids had. To me, he's still a hall of famer because of what he did prior to the steroids.
  13. Now there should be legitimate discussion about it.
  14. Plus, most of this stuff doesn't matter. Colt McCoy was a 3 star prospect.
  15. Well, I've always said that denying him entry into the HOF isn't right because he never failed a drug test. I stand by that.
  16. I don't think anyone is really doubting that he took steroids at this point. I'm pretty sure I conceded that one a while ago. Still doesn't change my opinion of him as the greatest player of his generation.
  17. Larvez Mars. Rivals has him as a 4 star, ESPN has him as a 76 rating. He's a bit undersized, but it's nice to see a fairly highly thought of guy come here. Looks like we're shaping up to have a really nice class, possibly the best or second best in conference.
  18. FIU got their first 4 star prospect ever today. Rankings now don't mean much, but still, it's nice to see.
  19. I follow recruiting a lot, but I justify it by saying that it's for work.
  20. I got in line maybe 45 minutes before Wilco's set in 07, and was about 15 people back from Pat in the pit. It's not that difficult. You should check out the inforoo message boards. A lot of jam band people hate that "their" fest has been taken over. A lot of them are even bitter that Bruce is listed above Phish on the lineup.
  21. Can't seem to find anything except at Brooklyn Vegan, and they've got no confirmation. I'm holding out hope. http://www.langerado.com/2009/langerad09.p...ec=13&id=86 Yup. That sucks. We were doing a bunch of coverage for this for the paper, so now we have to scramble to make up a bunch of stories over the next month.
  22. The booth looks at any play in the last 2 minutes to see if it needs to be reviewed.
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