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Everything posted by bobbob1313

  1. That dude would be lucky to be able to play first base.
  2. About to listen to it. My expectations are significantly lower for this one than his last album, because I really hate "Love Lockdown".
  3. I'm still scratching my head over this one. Haven't seen a player work both sides of a buffet like him since the Phillies of the early 90's.
  4. Well, that was before I realized David Ortiz could do exactly what he does. Boy is my face red/jaw tired.
  5. Well, the bloody sock has a lot to do with it, but actually, it seems I've underrated Mr. Schilling. Starting in 95, 10 straight full seasons of an OPS+ of at least 118. 3 300 k seasons and one of 293. Yeah, he's probably a HOFer.
  6. I would say Pedro and Thomas absolutely deserve to be in, and Schilling will get in because of his postseason record.
  7. Good stuff. Say some stuff and then leave the conversation so you don't have to back it up. That's cool. I don't see any way I'm being douchy here, so what ever. It's not just the glove work. The 2nd baseman has to cover more area and move more than the first baseman. The only guys who are the size of first baseman who can play middle infield are athletic freaks like Ripken, arod, and hanley. And each of them was or will be forced to a different position. The argument can be summed up by two words: lateral quickness. You have to be able to move to both sides of your body very quickly at 2n
  8. A first baseman almost never really "ranges" to their right. If a first baseman has to range to his right, chances are the 2nd baseman has an easier play on it. And if the first baseman does have to make that play, the throw is generally a good 60-70 feet shorter than the one the 2nd baseman has to make. It might not necessarily be a more or less difficult position, but it requires substantially more athleticism, and usually a stronger arm. I don't think that's an opinion type of statement, it's a watching baseball statement. I think most people would say that since it requires more athleti
  9. Well, yeah. Because Reyes has the rep as "Greatest lead off hitter since Rickey", when he's really just "Fast guy who doesn't get on base enough to even be Rickey's shitty little brother". Some guy on the Marlins board said the other day that the reason the Marlins traded Olsen and Willingham for Bonifacio and Gregg for Ceda is to become more hispanic to try and appeal to the cubans in little havana. He was laughed off the board.
  10. Castillo's mix of high OBP no SLG is more suited for the leadoff than Reyes slightly above average skills in both.
  11. If it came down to it, and I had to choose the Beatles or everyone else, it'd be a very difficult decision.
  12. I could spend all day talking about the various little things in early Beatles songs that give me chills. I have no problem saying the early stuff was as good as the later stuff.
  13. the "If I were you, I'd reeeeaaaaaliiiiize that I" part? Indeed.
  14. His .376 OBP, .376 SLG would make for a pretty good leadoff hitter next year.
  15. Plus Utley's probably the best defensive 2B in baseball. And he's ridiculous with the bat in his hands.
  16. Ranging to your right to field a sharply hit grounder by a leftie, and then turning and throwing to first while your momentum carries you away from the bag is much more difficult than any of the possible plays a 1B has to make, and requires much more athletic ability. Actually, there it is. I figured it out. It might not be more difficult, but playing 2B requires far more athletic ability.
  17. For a guy like Chase Utley, who has played 2B his whole life, it's probably easier than 1B. But for someone who has never played either, I'd say the transition is going to be a lot easier if you are at first than second.
  18. I call bullshit. A 2B has more ground to cover, generally has more balls hit directly to him, has to cover 2nd on SB and DP, has to make more throws, and has to turn the wheel on bunts. The most difficult things a 1B does is field sharp grounds and LD (which 2B do as well), and dig balls on bad throws. Matt, that's precisely why errors are a terrible gauge of how good a fielder is....
  19. A gold glove 2B who turns the DP exceptionally well does.
  20. Here's why position should be taken into account without getting into why 2nd is clearly the more difficult position to field (which is just opinion, I guess): Chase Utley was the only qualified 2B OPS above .900 this season. 4 more were above .800 4 1B had above .900 OPS with 13 more above .800 Say it with me, position scarcity.
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