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Everything posted by anodyne

  1. that's all i have pics of right now. i'll pull em out and photograph them for real soon though. that's a mahogany acoustic in the case.
  2. Deckchair trapped testicles A Croatian man got a nasty surprise when he tried to get out of his deck chair and found his testicles had got stuck. Mario Visnjic had gone swimming naked in the sea at the Valalta beach in western Croatia, reports 24sata. His testicles had shrunk while in the cool sea and slipped through the wooden slats when he sat back down on his wooden deckchair. But as he lay in the sun they expanded back to normal size and got stuck between the slats. He was eventually freed after he called beach maintenance services on his mobile phone and they sent a member of st
  3. aristocracy is a hold-over from feudalism, which i think we can all agree is a moded form of social organization.
  4. i sold my carvin dc-127 to finance a decent les paul. i regret it. i'm probably going to sell the gibson and get another carvin. my old dc-127 was just a better guitar. i'm sure everyone here has a similar story. the biggest thing i miss about that old guitar was the sustain. it was a neck thru with strings through the body. that thing sustained for days.
  5. america will never be as great as after the second world war when the stratification of wealth is approaching the gilded age. it is a robust middle class and industrial infrastructure that made this country what it was.
  6. i live in ohio and might be the reason it doesn't make it further west. mighty fine beer.
  7. hetfield's chiseled models used emg active pickups, so there's merit to the pickups having more of an effect than the mass of the guitar in that case. emgs are good at what they do -- sterile and consistent high gain tone. the tonal qualities of the wood seem to have a lot more to do with the resonance than the total mass, although it must factor in to some extent. i'm a sucker for mahogany guitars (even my acoustic is all mahogany). i just love that low rumble without the bright snap.
  8. that is a mighty fine beer. now drinking: jim beam (with an 80% chance of a miller low life to wash it down)
  9. anyone see the episode of the office where michael tells oscar that "mexican" is an offensive term?
  10. hetfield's explorers in the 80s were hollowed out from the back and covered with duct tape (or so the legend goes).
  11. if they weren't playing with rollinsbland, i'd likely be there. i really would hate to have to sit through hank rollins' stuff unless he stuck to 1992 and earlier material.
  12. to answer my own question, i'd have to agree that both are pretty bad. i'd tend to agree that biden was more boneheaded, but romney was ignorantly insensitive using such a loaded word. now if romney had been bragging about the support he has amongst tar babies...
  13. yeah, me too derek. i have a very racist aunt who used the word quite frequently -- and never about a sticky situation. what's worse - the tar baby comment or biden's 7-11 humor attempt?
  14. i heard he's in pre-production on a really touching biopic about one of the pioneering women of film - leni riefenstahl.
  15. as long as they play johnny hit and run pauline, you'll get your money's worth.
  16. "tar baby" was always a slur around these parts as well. i don't think "jungle bunny" has any non-racist connotations, but there's still a few months until the election. perhaps there will be some initiative to save rainforest rabbits or something. sigh.
  17. i think it's cool that the republicans are taking back tar baby. they're picking up where ed meecham left off in the late 80s trying to bring back "pickaninny".
  18. the mainstream media has picked up this story. i saw it on this morning's NBC station.
  19. not sure if they still do, but i remember seeing ebows being made for bass. i'd like to try one on a guitar. i had an ebow and couldn't get much going with it. i bought it for $25 used and threw it on ebay for a dollar. i think it sold for $70. point being, if you can snag one cheap enough and it doesn't work out, you can recoup pretty easily.
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