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About BigDitchStan

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  • Birthday November 25

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Rochester, NY
  • Interests
    Music, Fun, Technology, Writing, Being creative

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  1. Saturday evening I was pretty exhausted; Wilco played till about 11:30 and our group hung out a bit in Courtyard D watching Michaela Davis and Southern Star. All in all, it was a *nice* Solid Sound. As far as the fest went, things were a bit scaled down. I missed out on a few things I wanted to see because a) the paper "guide" provided scant details about the various gigs and b) the official Solid Sound app needed bandwidth to function properly (the lack of any open WiFi access points and spotty cell service made the app useless). Almost missed out on the Young at Heart performance that was mo
  2. Outside of Philco, the Sacred Rose fest was farcical at best. Luckily we paid extra for "VIP" tickets (lol). At least that afforded us, if not a better sight line, more distance from the EDM tent situated on the right and behind the Canopy stage. The fest itself was poorly run and over hyped. I'm just glad we didn't accidentally leave a $200 tip at one of the cashless bars that pervaded the fest. I guess decimal points weren't allowed!
  3. Very cool, didn't know y'all were sharing your musical oeuvres. I've been in a few different bands over the years, here's one of my early tracks "Voices" which was on the first Lotus STP LP, "Million Dollar Ring) Lotus STP "Voices" (http://wilfullyobscure.blogspot.com/2009/10/lotus-stp-million-dollar-ring-1987.html)
  4. JUST noticed that this screenshot captured my Instagram/Tweet about Terry & #nrbq (I'm Stan T. Man). Cool!
  5. Any updates on the Solid Sound App? I downloaded it but it's still filled with 2019 doings.
  6. Fellow Rochesterian here, it's a WNY Thang. My old band Big Ditch (the band, not the beer) was named after an early derogatory name for the Erie Canal, also known as Clinton's Ditch (named so after the "Father of the Erie Canal" DeWitt Clinton).
  7. Just picked up a reservation @ MCLA Dorms – Berkshire Towers. This means I will be yielding my room reservations in Pittsfield, MA at the Hilton Garden Inn. Price is a little less than the Berkshire Towers, so I'm trading off creature comforts for proximity to Solid Sound. If there's anyone who is looking for a comfy place to stay, let me know & I'll see if I can transfer my reservations before cancelling them. I'll bet there's a waiting list!
  8. Looks like Pittsfield is the place to be... I will have approximately three presale tix for SS & a room in Pittsfield (two queen beds) if my wife and kids bail (95% sure they will).
  9. Nick is SUCH a nice guy... and incredibly silly.
  10. Hope to see them at Solid Sound!
  11. There but for the Grace of God go a lot of us; will donate and share.
  12. It's a freakin' mess... Wilco's name gets tarnished due to Cloud 9's intransigence. After all, we signed up for Wilco's Sky Blue Sky, not Cloud9's Sun n' Fun with Omicron. Not blaming Wilco...
  13. Ugh, taking the afternoon off from work to deal with trip cancellation and then trying to deal with the trip insurance angle. I will probably be brain dead after all this... Too much money to invest in too much uncertainty. My wife has been the strongest advocate for Sky Blue Sky and the experience so far has been a huge turn off for her. She rallied a bit after last weeks Tweedy Show, but there are too many stories from different sources about families stranded in remote locations because of a false positive test. I'd feel more confident about going if I had more concrete proof about what eve
  14. So, any word on whether or not Mavis is appearing? I'd think she's got to have underlying health issues that would preclude her from appearing... N
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