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Everything posted by Hixter

  1. Yep, he's a family friend. Nope, he was never charged with a crime.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1r3y-SRsNPI
  3. I doubt there will be any strikes against Assad himself. According to news reports he's already emptied barracks, hidden missiles and moved valuable assets, so I suppose he'll just hunker in a bunker and wait out the short cruise missile campaign. It'll probably be a light slap on the face, as well as a thinly veiled warning to Iran.
  4. He's a family friend and actually a really nice guy. He's fairly shy, however. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0xaEyFGOv7w
  5. My pleasure. Texas law is very clear about the signage requirements, specifying the location, wording and even font size that must be used. I'd say that at least half of the signs I've seen posted at businesses were improperly located and/or didn't display a properly worded warning, thus rendering them useless in the eyes of the law.
  6. It depends. Establishments that derive more than half of their income from the sales of alcoholic beverages are required to display 51% signs that warn that it's illegal to carry inside. People with concealed handgun licenses are allowed to carry in other restaurants/bars as long as the owners haven't hung properly worded/displayed 30.06 signs that forbid CHL holders from carrying. You'll see a lot of signs that state that the unlicensed possession of a handgun is a felony, but that doesn't prevent CHL holders from carrying on the premises. My friend and I were actually kicked out of a bar las
  7. I'm in San Antonio. I heard about the bottle sale, but I'll have to ask a friend to pick up a few since I'll probably be out of town that weekend. I'm a frequent visitor to their brewpub.
  8. I picked up a bottle of Firestone Walker's 16 anniversary offering a few weeks ago. David Walker was in town to celebrate the brewery's move into the Houston - San Antonio market and signed the bottle. He said that it was one of only 24 bottles that were imported into Texas. Their anniversary beers are blended to be enhanced by aging, so I think I'll save it for a very special occasion.
  9. It was just a poorly executed joke about antique Soviet rifles being so dangerous that the president has decided to ban them.
  10. The president's next step should be to ban the manufacture, sale or possession of $10,000 Italian-made shotguns. That should make politicians and their rich benefactors take notice, since those are what they like to shoot.
  11. Murdering someone is already illegal, so why the effort to criminalize lawful gun ownership?
  12. Automobile registrations are mainly for the purpose of collecting taxes. They typically cost tens of thousands, while most gun sales are in the sub-thousand range.
  13. Same here, but the $10k item is chambered in .22. Cheaper to shoot, but I'd rather shell out 4x that much for a nice .45 Thompson.
  14. I'm sampling the double IPA I brewed a few weeks ago. It turned out very fruity; I used Conan yeast that I harvested from a can of Heady Topper.
  15. As long as you have the appropriate NFA paperwork. Check out these low, low prices!
  16. You insisted on taking Clinton's words literally. He said that it's easier to buy an assault weapon than it is to vote. That's not true, it's almost impossible to buy an assault rifle. Sorry if I don't feel like rolling over or playing dead every time you issue a command. It's weird to hear you describe this discussion as "maddening" since I think it's been a fairly civil and mellow discussion.
  17. To be honest, we should have stopped having this discussion as soon as I reminded everyone that it's almost impossible to buy an actual assault rifle. End of story.
  18. And when you get arrested and hauled to jail, what's the first thing they're going to ask for? That's right -- an ID.
  19. If you have a billion dollars in your pocket, you can buy a nuclear weapon without showing ID, but you always need an ID to vote. Now I'm going to stand on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial and solemnly state, "A great democracy does not make it harder to vote than it does to buy an atomic weapon." Feel free to nod your head in agreement.
  20. Most (all?) states explicitly ban convicted felons from owning or possessing firearms. I know that's the way it is in Texas: if you are a convicted felon in possession of a firearm, you're breaking the law.
  21. I live in Texas. I have voted and purchased firearms many times. To vote, I ticked a box on the form when I applied for my driver license. Then I show my license when I vote. To buy a firearm, I show my license. Then I fill out a multi-page form that asks my name, birth date, Social Security number, address, height, weight, gender, ethnicity, race, birthplace, criminal history, immigration status, drug use history, mental health history, military history, domestic violence history, citizenship status and driver license number. Then I undergo an FBI background check. Finally, I pay a $25-50
  22. I can't say that I've heard anyone say that nobody is allowed to disagree with a jury's verdict. The import ban is a waste of time. It will only impact collectors and won't do a thing to lessen gun crime. What we're talking about is WWII-vintage (and older) bolt-action rifles from the former USSR. These things are heavy, their sights leave a lot to be desired and they require hours of work to get them into firing shape since they have been packed in barrels of cosmoline for decades. These are ancient relics akin to grandpa's deer rifle, not modern "assault" rifles. They're plentiful and c
  23. I have heard of no such legislation and no such attempt to pass it. Dr. King was killed by a hunting rifle that is legal in every state in the union, so why bring up "assault" rifles? The overwhelming majority of America's gun crimes are committed by handguns in the hands of gang members, drug dealers and street thugs. How many of them do you think are in the NRA or vote Republican? I do not fear that my weapons will be taken away; I worry that our politicians are trying to dismantle our constitutional right to bear arms, piece by piece. I'm disgusted about the lies and half-truths they
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