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Sir Stewart

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Everything posted by Sir Stewart

  1. I read a review for the DVD that said the label is justified for at least one scene where a kid meets a stranger in the street and follows him somewhere (innocent scene of course). I can understand that. Times have changed - it isn't just PC run wild.
  2. San Diego Miami New York DC Los Angeles Boston Las Vegas
  3. Do you have any interest in doing psychotropic drugs? Because if you do, Vegas is the place to indulge.
  4. Don't you remember what it was like around that time? Millions & millions didn't believe what "we thought we knew at the time." I didn't believe it for a second. I felt like we were being bamboozled from the start of the runup. The warmongers didn't believe it either.
  5. Bev-er-ly Hills That's where I wanna be! Gimme gimme! Gimme gimme!
  6. I hadn't imagined it would be the same test consecutive nights - huh. That allows for a lot of cheating.
  7. No, I'm pretty sure I'm right on both of those.
  8. That was painful. I think I passed on 40 of the 50 questions. I got flustered quickly, and ended up not caring after about ten questions. I answered a few with the first thing that came to mind, like THIS IS THE FIRST BOOK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT "look, it's jesus" THIS IS THE ONLY PRESIDENT TO SERVE HIS ENTIRE TERM AS A BACHELOR "clinton"
  9. It struck me recently that maybe the reason the Democratic Party has been a pushover for most of Bush's presidency concerning the war on terror, is that they quietly admit to themselves that they'd be doing the same things.
  10. Y'all whose taken the test - do you find out your results immediately? EDIT: Nevermind, I just read that you don't.
  11. http://1988stantheman.blogspot.com/2008/01/artwork.html
  12. The fact that the last post in that thread suggests the chance of a McNulty/Kima hookup justifies this thread.
  13. The hell there is. I'm one ep behind on this show, so I can't look here!
  14. About halfway through this - Perrotta likes to take commonly accepted prejudices and turn them inside out. In this case (so far), it's prejudice against Christian fundamentalists. As always, well done.
  15. I'm taking it tonight! http://www.jeopardy.com/onlinetests/nation...ion_landing.php
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