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Posts posted by chisoxjtrain

  1. Mystic Highway

    Joy of My Life

    Hot Rod Heart


    These are all new tunes, I believe.  He totally rocks for his age.  Great guitar playing and his voice never changes.  He plays this gold Les Paul and totally rips it.  He told a funny story about playing after the Grateful Dead at Woodstock at 2:30am.  Apparently a lot of people were sitting/lying down and seemed to be falling asleep right when he hit the stage except for one guy way out in the crowd with his lighter going.  This was the inspiration for 'Long as I Can See the Light'


    Joy of My Life and Hot Rod Heart came out in 1997. I glanced over Mystic Highway, which is new.

  2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure he's projecting his own interpretation onto the song. I clearly remember reading the exact same thing about "I'll Fight" around the time W(TA) came out. In fact, I recall several early write-ups/previews of the album had "Conscript" as the song title -- in Rolling Stone, Billboard and Uncut, to name a few.


    At any rate, like I said, the AGIB is about the only period I'd be interested in learning new stuff about, outside of what can be found in The Wilco Book and the abundance of interviews available online.


    He did it to more than "I'll Fight." The A Ghost is Born chapter is a really good read.

  3. I've read it all. He didn't interview the band and he pulls heavily from Learning How To Die. He takes parts of other interviews as well. He also gives his own versions of song meanings, which some are wrong. For instance, "The country tinge of ‘I’ll Fight’, with its plain-spoken declarations of love, would be entirely pleasant if one could just ignore the larger story being told, that of a soldier speaking to his girl back home, anticipating what her life will be like once he’s killed on the battlefield," which is wrong. I remember reading an interview the band gave with Relevant Magazine when Wilco (The Album) came out and Jeff explained that "I'll Fight" was originally from a 14 stanza poem he wrote called "Conscript," which is about a Civil War soldier who was paid to take the place of someone else in the war. I guess the problem I have is that if you are going to write a book and pass yourself off as an expert, do some damn research and get your facts right.


    As far as A Ghost is Born, that chapter was interesting because he interviewed Chris Shaw, who engineered it, and Jim O'Rourke. That was probably my favorite chapter because there was new information.

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