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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Five Thirty Eight is predicting a Trump victory...if the election were held today. Re Trump business partners, I know a guy who is friends with Trump, as much as you can be friends in those circles. Any how he's been to Trumps place in Florida for dinner etc... And he will not vote for Trump under any circumstances. He was s Bush guy then shifted to Rubio once Bush flamed out.
  2. She said that she wrote it all by herself, while the campaign website talks about the team of writers... It's like in High School when you " paraphrase" without attribution and think you did original work. And even if it is totally unintentional and these are original thoughts, you would think that her handlers would have struck that portion of the speech. Isn't emulating Obama intentionally or not just about the worst thing a Republican could do?
  3. Earlier I said y news story was the Apollo accident, which is the earliest specific story I can remember. I remember the Vietnam war being ubiquitous, but not one specific incidence. I do however remember watching the Jetsons and Flintstones on prime time.
  4. There's a nice article on Zappa and his politics in the Chicago Reader (July 7th) I would post the link, but don't know how to do it from a phone.
  5. Okonokos reissue now? I don't know that it needs or warrants s reissue.
  6. Luckily for Trump the dog whistle worked and was approved of by the intended audience...and FOX covered for him by changing the Star of David to a circle so the rank and file probably did not see it. Edit: Trumps people may have tweeted the version with the circle before FOX ran it, though I'm not 100% sure.
  7. Wow, it really does not seem like the 60's were that long ago.
  8. I was only familiar with Deer Hunter and Heavens Gate. I didn't know about Thundefoot or that he co wrote Silent Running & Magnum Force.
  9. Trump launches a nice anti Semitic ad against Hillary that looks like it came right out of 1937. Ellie's story and experiences didn't resonate with everyone I guess. Michael Cimino died today too.
  10. Too busy trying to solve the riddle of BENGHAZI! And the tragic deaths of those 4 Americans to be worried anything else. Probably need another investigation.
  11. I forgot Ralph. Bernie had his own thread.
  12. With so many deaths lately I thought I'd lumo these three together... RIP Scotty Moore, Buddy Ryan and Pat Summit. All legends in their area.
  13. Apparently in Great Britain the questions "What is the EU?" And "What is Brexit?" Were trending on Google all night long after the polls closed. So apparently voters were well informed.
  14. The dems want a vote that they know they will most likely lose. The republicans don't want that vote probably, mainly because this is an election year and they don't want to be in the record on this hot button topic that is in the fore front of the public consciousness. They would prefer to vote on corporate tax breaks, cutting food stamps, defunding planned parenthood, Reoealing obamacare, anything but this.
  15. That's the biggie, but only the second half but they care about others. People I know, who ironically are against govt overreach, think that the 4th and 5th are technicalities that give criminals too much wiggle room. They love the 10th and want it expanded. Not fans of 14 and think 15 is unnecessary in today's world. 16th is in constitutional. Want to repeal 17 19 and 26 should be struck down And think the first gives the press too much leeway and churches not enough. Do they all feel this way? Of course not, but ive heard one or more of these sentiments from many people.
  16. I don't get the "hate coming form the left too" thing. Who are these talk show people on the left dominating the media with their hate? Rachel Madow? Oprah? I don't see it.
  17. It wasn't perfect before, but they at least did their jobs. I read a profile of Tom Cotton and he discussed why he was blocking an ambassador nomination Ovama had made, this was a nomination to a non strategic country of a person who was a friend of Cottons. Cotton blocked the nomination just to get under Obamas skin. That's it, no other reason. What a dick. But that gets to what the tea party is actually about, opposing Obama on everything. Anyone who is seen as working with Obama is a target of these people. Working with him is seen as anything including being civil to him. I know a lot of
  18. Mr Mavrick willing to go against the party line... Back when he was running for president and he stopped his talk and told some yahoo in the crowd that Obama was a decent man etc... Was the one time he seemed genuine to me and almost disgusted with what was happening. It's been downhill for him since then and he's fairly indistinguishable from the rest when it comes down to his rhetoric. Prick,
  19. Im curious, who in this discussion was making this about gun control? Uncool2pillow? I didn't think so, but hey my reading comprehension is not so great.
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