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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Someone the other day actually said that they were voting for Trump because Hilary's huge ego made them uncomfortable. Things like this leave me speechless.
  2. You can throw out every bit of crazy shit you want, and if you say "just kidding" it's ok then. Perfect strategy for winning the White House. John McCain...about that Sarah Palin nomination...just kidding. He should have done it. Of course if one of his inspired followers doesn't get the JK memo and takes a shot at HRC or a Supreme, does it count as a crime?
  3. Yep, if the media were not pre occupied with Trump (did he really ask coal miners if they had visited his resorts and wineries?) they would be focused more on Hillary reporting things like her email and Benghazi these things have not been covered at all. Really Hillary could take a few weeks off and just let Trump talk unchallenged, I think she would still rise in the polls.
  4. This is why I think that people who speak their mind, or who have common sense solutions, or simple solutions to complex problems should not hold office. We live in a very complex world where words and deeds matter and have ramifications. I can't remember if I heard it hear or somewhere else, but this campaign and Trump in particular, are going to make the next couple seasons of South Park hillareous.
  5. Or...enforce the "well regulated militia" part of the 2nd.
  6. Their statement said the media is to blame, and they didn't disavow the use of violence against opponents. Probably could have had a better choice of words on my part, but this whole event has blown my mind once again. Regardless, this sort of rhetoric is what some people believe is presidential and is the type of leader they want. Their media choices have led them here as has the culture of bad ass we have cultivated Dirty Harry, Die Hard, Steven Segal's shit movies etc...
  7. Just to be fair, he didn't necessarily imply assassinate Hillary, he could have been referring to judges. His campaign released a non- denial of violence/condemnation of the press. The press who simply reported his exact words. The video is interesting for the reactions of the audience, especially those sitting behind him.
  8. Today in NC Trump: "if she gets to pick her judges, there's nothing you can do folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is, I don't know"
  9. Just finished "Team of Rivals" and started "Co Aytch, aSideshow of the Big Show"
  10. New album is pretty good. To my ears everything they have released since reuniting has been very good to great. Apparently J sat in with Pearl Jam at Fenway the other night.
  11. all over the US Televisions are clicking off at this very moment. GLobal Warming.
  12. Love the Jam & Weller. Just watched About the Young Idea yesterday. Good stuff.
  13. I'll bet he's (Trump) read thorns other books, the ones that got thorn killed by crooked Hillary. Trump finds ways to ignore inconvenient stuff like the book you linked to. What matters is that thorn wrote books critical of the clintons and they killed him for it. They didn't really kill thorn, I'm just anticipating..,
  14. Well, that didnt take long. Victor Thorne, who has some connection to the Clinton's, committed suicide yesterday and the right wing internet is already abuzz with "Clinton killed another one" crap. I expect Trump to weigh in on this before the weekend is out.
  15. So this has been a pretty solid week for him and...it's only 11am on Wednesday. So much more to accomplish by the weekend.
  16. Maybe he should don glasses like Perry did. People thought Perry was smarter when he wore them.
  17. Does Trump know that it's probably not s good thing to verbally assault the grieving mother of a dead soldier? I didn't think so, what a jack ass.
  18. This is a plot by the "Liberal Media" let Trump say what he wants unchallenged. He'll think he's getting a free pass and then say more and more outrageous stuff. Meanwhile the democrats will use his own words against him. That "liberal media" is devious
  19. Yes, his stance on Tea Rooms has had him on everyone's radar for years
  20. The "Clinton gets a free pass from the press" is just a right wing talking point. It really means that the press is not treating her the way Breitbart, Fox, and other RW type treat her. Anything less than total contempt and disrespect is treating her with kid gloves. In my lifetime I don't think any politician in the US has been scrutinized more than Cljnton. Possibly her husband, Obama or maybe even Nixon, but she has definitely been subjected to intense scrutiny.
  21. People are justifying this by saying that he didn't explicitly call for anyone to hack. Implied apparently dies not count.
  22. Re the Sanders crowd...part of the theater of the convention is that they get their say, they vent, they scream and yell and by day 4 they will generally be converted. Same thing happened last week. Not everyone will go along but you will see a generally United party emerge.
  23. The Dem convention is weird, no Benghazi! No traitorous Hillary? Where are the guns? No wonder people don't take them seriously. :-)
  24. I'm on my phone and am not very adept at providing links on it, but the article is on Salon, and it's the current lead article.
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