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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. The problem was that the banks, with pressure from the governnment (The former president talked many times about "encouraging" the banks to make the loans) pushed alot of money out into the marketplace allowing people who previously could not afford a home to now purchase one. These people were targeted and they bit. With all these new home buyers out there bidding for homes the prices were inflated dramatically creating "the Bubble" (assets selling for more than their true value) The buble burst when the baloon payments started coming due or when interests rates shifted a little too far.
  2. Not a lot of chatter out there about this (the first one is the retraction of the others): http://www.usdoj.gov/opa/documents/olc-memos.htm We essentially lived in a dictatorship from late September 2001 till about the time of Obama
  3. I think the 1990's were great for them financially in spite of the Popmart tour production costs. Creatively though they fell off a cliff after Achtung Baby. I think they went through a progression in the 1990's from the achtung babay tour getting bigger and bigger through bono's fly/macphisto evolution to popmart where they tried really hard to hit a newer level and realtively failed in my mind. It brought them back to earth and back on a fairly conventional safe path that is just as lucrative as anything they have previously done.
  4. Smiler - 1974. That's a long time ago.
  5. We all have different tastes. For me the style of music, not sure what you call it, euro electronic pop? Atmospheric electronic pop? Experimental noise? Whatever, it just does not appeal to my meat and potatoes tastes. Now, when they strip away the crap if the songs work in a live setting, that
  6. POOP is horrible unlistenable crap to my ears. The rest since AB is just music, nothing great, nothing terrible. It just kind of exists.
  7. For the last six in the NBA the ten before that...dreaming. Bosh is a bit pissed about getting lit up. Shaq has not changed his game, Bosh is just too small to cover a guy like Shaq. Bosh is quicker, and a better jumper, but no way can he stop Shaq when Shaq wants to assert himself. I was shocked that Boston signed Marbury. I would go shorthanded before i signed that guy, he's a turd who will act as though he learned his lesson for a few games than he will become Stephon Marbury once again.
  8. I say bring back the tax rates of the golden age of America, the Reagan years, no socialism there, top rates...50% dropping late in his term, but also dropping many itemized deductions to make up for it.
  9. Regardless of what you think of Cassel he is way better than what the chiefs have and he tore up the AFC west this year...of course that woudl include the Chiefs too. I had heard that the Bronco's offered a better deal, but the Pats went with the Chiefs because of the bond between coaches.
  10. It's sad to see the old legends die. I was never a fan of Paul Harvey, not because he was more conservative than I am, but because he was uninteresting to me. His cadence when speaking was too monotonous for me and I could never stomach the all advertising all the time in his show. I am from a way different generation than he was and the appeal was never there.
  11. I have always believed that the two differing phillosophies should balance each other out and they used to. Now however I feel as if the republicans have an all or ntohing approach. We get it all our way or nothing at all. They have no interest in meeting in the middle or moving off their position, to do so is to show weakness and is tantamount to losing. They pretty much said in their meetings that they want all obama plans to fail to enhance their electoral position for 2010 and beyond. Party over country and it's been that way for them since Gingrich took power and now he is even t
  12. They seem to like the extremist speakers at CPAC from John Bolton to Rush they love em all regardless of what these guys say. They have coulter there too. Is sadly funny that they take these people (Coulter, Rush, Hannity, now Joe the Plumber/Reporter/Pundit) seriously as if they are the idea people and the deep thinkers of the party. And in a sense they are as so much of what the party is doing right now is apeing Rush.
  13. I rememeber seeing this one in the bootleg bins fairly often back in the late 70's early 80's
  14. The stones have beeen using such an arriangement for years. U2 did not feel the need to till Ireland removed some exception for publishing that they formerly had. Spiderman the musical? If this happens we will know that U2 has jumped the shark.
  15. If you like history Chickamaugua battle field is less than a half an hour away. Very peaceful/serene place.
  16. Van Lier and Sloan probably formed the most combative back court in NBA history. Both were tough tough players. Norman was a little crazy too. He and Kerr willl be missed.
  17. Saying that the top 2% will change their behaviors if their taxes are increased is and has been the accepted argument of the right for years and years and years. For most of the Reagan years, the golden age for
  18. I think the republicans/christian right have the answer F those people. If they can't aford it it's not MY responsibility. If they can't survive let them starve. So what if the underclasss gets larger and larger perpetuating it's self. Just don't make me look at them when I walk down the street. Go USA Go USA!
  19. I'm really not understanding you. Of course it is his decision to make. But if his business is profitable, and it is his livelyhood and it is working sucessfully right now a tax increase is irrelevant. If someone uses Joe the plumber economic theory and whines that they may close their doors if they have to pay one more dollar in tax, then perhaps they should shut their doors. SOmeone like you could simply take up the client list and run your own new business. For them it is just blatrhering historonics and putting on a show. If he treally is saying thsi shit he is saying I'll give it al
  20. I had read a similar story before and there it was linked to in the article. It was the WSJ article from a couple years ago.
  21. Without reading the rest of the discussion on this point I do have a major problem with this statement. If the business is hanging on by a thread it is a business issue. I fail to see how if you earn $100 and pay $28 tax on it that by increasing the tax to$30 will make the owner close up shop. His net profit goes from $72 to $70 go ahead and add all the zero
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