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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. My view on this was that the refs were better at what they were doing than either team was at what they were doing. I see it as two not so super teams playing inartfully throughout the game. The only call I strongly disagreed with was the late hit on Big Ben. Other than that no problems from my perspective, these two teams just did not execute very well. As to the last fumble/pass and letting the Cards take one more shot down field I could not disagree more. For Warner clearly was losing he ball before his arm started moving forward. Could they have called it differently? Yep, but Steel
  2. Due to work my only option was online. I couldn't take the day off or sit on a phoen for a while. Either way I won't be going, no big loss in the long run because the United Center is possibly one of the worst places on earth to see a concert.
  3. Last night did have some great lines. For those who tivo'ed and have not watched yet... I do agree it was disjointed, but it had a lot of funny schtuff.
  4. Maybe he did talkto fish after he took a few monster hits? When they answer him back, I think that is when he attains the true super hero status (that or he's just dosed himself with Acid or some othe rhallucinagenic)
  5. Simple answer: $$$. More complex answer, the game is not about the fans, it
  6. They went on sale at 10 this mornign for the united center. I hate the place, but it's the only show he has in the area right now. So I get on line at ten and immediately get going on the process by 10:03 or so I got my response that no tickets are available, but I can get them on tickets now or soem bullshit place like that at extortionist prices. I looked just for the heck of it and there are hundreds of tickets posted there at two and three times face value. I don't normally go to ticket bastard shows and this reminds me why.
  7. The call was spot on, and actually I was wondering if they had not got (sans penalty situation) the first down if Pit would have taken the safety to get a better position to kick from since Arizona needed the TD no matter what. A punt under pressure from the back of the endzone can lead to so many bad things. A punt from the 20 with no rush gets them 20 extra yards and a little more field to work with. Fiztgerald eliminated that 20 yard cushion pretty quickly though.
  8. Aquaman... I'm not feelign let down, just a little envious. I wish I were hitting that bong...damned random drug testing.
  9. If there are camera's present don't do anything you don't want people to know about...especially if you are famous. Those pitctures are worth a lot of $$, and everyone has their price, even friends.
  10. He difinately tried to pull up (or rather was not trying to hit the holder) however since the holder is considered defenseless in his position, much like a kicker with his feet still in the air... The only personal foul call I had a problem with being 100% wrong was the one on the Rothlesberger hit. Very weak call. Great game though. Harrisona play was stupendous runing 100 yards with people banging off of himthe whole way, he deserved the TD.
  11. While we have Nigel Tuffnel on our minds... His theories on Stonehenge.
  12. I know he's not a guitar player, but Adam Clayton always looks like he's got to take a dump right now and can't find a toilet. His face is always the grumpy tortured same.
  13. I used to be catholic but as I grew older and learned the history of the church and how the ideology/thology evolved I had to leave. But over the past few years I would say the Catholic shurch has become as much a political organization as it is a church. But this has been by design. You think the higherarchy of the republicna party really gives a rats ass abotu ending abortion? They made totrture the law of the land, effectively suspended habeus corpus and the 4th amendment among others and yet took no action on abortion when they had majorities in both houses, the courts and the white ho
  14. He's great on stage legs splayed wide apart smile never leavign his face.
  15. And is this worse than big business being the masters of the republican party? Stupid f*&king argument that keeps getting put forth with little support or evidence ever offered to back it up. Not saying that they are not tied together, but never is there evidence tossed out to support the allegation. For instance to support my allegation of big business owning the republican party look no further than how the white house handled the first batch of TARP payments, lots of cash little accountability. I would think that if you can show the company your work for systematically paid on
  16. Artimus was not an original member anyway. Ed Burns was the original drummer.
  17. http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/sns-ap-...0,5240555.story
  18. I remember when I lived in ElPaso TX they had about an inch of snow one day and it shut the town down, schools were closed, people stayed home from work etc... It was melted by noon.
  19. Sheriff Joe is kind of a nut. He has his own reality show right now. I wonder if this is a way to spice up the show a bit? MMaybe have an escape or two captured on film with the escapee being shot? I see big ratings here.
  20. The enw deal did not lengthen the great depression historians are pretty clear on this, the punditry however is not. What ended up lengthening the great depression was that when things started to recover the deficit hawks wanted the deficit worked on. I consider myself a deficit hawk and am unsure as to how to take what is going on right now, Iright now I think the best thing about the dems controlling is that we may get some accountability on spennding as there has been none for the last eight year, I am more concerned right now about how we spend rather than the fact that we are spending.
  21. Nice menaing these people are close to retirement and the packages they are recieving will tide make up for the present value of the differential between regular retirement amounts and what they are going to recieve for early retirement.
  22. Friends can bone. (F*ck Buddies the kids call it)
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