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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. Suntimes also, But the Tribune, that's historic. The comments section attached to the Tribs endorsement is funny and scary. Lots of hate and bile and misinformation there. chicagotribune.com FROM THE CHICAGO TRIBUNE EDITORIAL BOARD Tribune endorsement: Barack Obama for president 2:33 PM CDT, October 17, 2008 However this election turns out, it will dramatically advance America's slow progress toward equality and inclusion. It took Abraham Lincoln's extraordinary courage in the Civil War to get us here. It took an epic battle to secure women the right to vote. It took the perseverance of
  2. It really is hard to tell these days. People I know seriously believe that Bush was being blamed for the occurrence of the Hurricane, or at least they say they believe that. If it gets repeated enough un challenged it becomes the new truth, the new reality. A more famous example is that Al Gore Invented the internet, even though he said no such thing, many republicans I know still believe he did and repeat it as fact. Or even today the Obama
  3. According to a story in USA today Newell Plumbing, the coompany Joe the unlicensed plumber wants to purchase has around $100,000 in annual revenues, not income, revenues. Also Joe the Unlicensed plumber has not really seriously looked into buying the business, he has (his quote) "no specific plans to buy" and has only "talked generally" with owner Al Newell. Soa little more of the onion is peeled away, but I am pretty sure mccain & co will consinue to push the joe the plumber myth over the joe the unlicensed plumber truth.
  4. This assumes there is a Wilco Song that I can't get enough of. But non-Wilco? Maybe Alejandro & Bruce on Always a Friend or Tom Morello & Bruce on Tom Joad.
  5. High court rejects GOP bid in Ohio voting dispute 23 mins ago WASHINGTON
  6. She's on the f'ing ticket. She is an issue that McCain has failed on. Her behavior is becomeing more and more reminiscent of Bush and Cheney. Her being on the ballot raises serious issues abotu McCains judgement. Why would she not be a relevant topic for discussion? Besides you absolutely ignnored the premise of the post which is the bolded sentence in the first full paragraph. Nice job of avoidance.
  7. From a palin speech at a fundraiser in NC: "And I, I begged our speech writers, 'Don't make me say 'Joe the Plumber,' please, in any speeches.' And I was asked, 'Just one time, just at this fund raiser,'" she recounted. "Just make sure people understand that we know what Joe the Plumber was talking about when he was confronting Barack Obama and saying, 'Wait a minute, aren't you going to take my money, take my earnings and give it to somebody else who maybe hadn't worked as hard as I have worked?'" Therein lies the problem, These people fail to realize (or don
  8. Kathleen Parker has another good column today. Read along with the Brooks column of a few days ago and you can easily sum up what has happened to the republican party. WFB Would Be Proud By Kathleen Parker Friday, October 17, 2008; 12:00 AM Christopher Buckley's endorsement of Barack Obama -- followed by his abrupt departure from the back page of the magazine his father founded, National Review -- has caused a ripple of contempt from the conservative right. Nay, make that a tsunami of hostility. An avalanche of venom. A cataclysm of ... well, you get the idea. People are mad. Good rid
  9. It depends on what you consider fiscal conservatism. If by fiscal conservatism you are referring to concepts such as trickle down, and tax cuts paying for themselves, then yes it is not a workable philosophy. However if by fiscal conservatism you are referring to being responsible stewards of the peoples money, spending wisely and prudently living within the budgets set. Then that is still a viable option. If this second option were how republicans actually ran the government, they might not have lost me. But then again they still their nauseating (to me) social agenda. The thing is tha
  10. The London Beer Flood occurred on October 17, 1814 in the London parish of St. Giles in the United Kingdom. At the Meux and Company Brewery on Tottenham Court Road[1][2], a huge vat containing over 135,000 gallons of beer ruptured, causing other vats in the same building to succumb in a domino effect. As a result, more than 323,000 gallons of beer burst out and gushed into the streets. The wave of beer destroyed two homes and crumbled the wall of the Tavistock Arms pub, trapping the barmaid under the rubble.[3] The wave left 9 people dead: 8 due to drowning, one from alcohol poisoning.[1]
  11. Yes MOST small businesses file as a schedule C business and pay taxes on their individual return. Of course as a schedule C they still get to deduct expenses and there are tax planing tricks to help them get more in retirement funds than the average 401-k type employee AND they can set up specific types of medical plans that make all medical payments deductible (though this can be dangerous if more than jsut family works for you) But I seriously doubt that joe plummer really is looking into buying anything. Here
  12. You do not have to worry about hearing about this sort of thing anymore. At Palin events apparently the secret service is now keeping the press at bay. Though how keeping the press away from the crowds is safeguarding the candidate I have no clue. Voter suppression? How so? I thought that was a republican tactic? Voter fraud? How so? You have to actually attempt to vote under false pretenses to have voter fraud. Voter registration fraud, now that is a different issue entirely, and I disagree with it. Now is this a concerted effort to steal an election? Or is it dip shits trying to
  13. Especially with a business like a plumbing business. I'm not exactly sure what kind of jobs they do, but if they rely on home repair and the economy is going down, their business would naturally suffer as more people might opt to di it themsleves. If it is new home construction well, that speaks for it's self. The safest bet woudl be industrial woork, and even that is not guaranteed to keep going as the economy gets worse. Propaganda campaign is workign well, from USA Today... Pushing risky loans was the root cause of crisis David W. Thornton - Villa Rica, Ga. I was disappointed t
  14. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=4525220n Joe the plumber on CBS. It is very obvious who he is for was for and always has been for as he recites many talking points during the interview. Towards the end he compares Obama to Sammy Davis Jr. Also Katie flat out asks him if he earns that much money and he says that he hopes too. Also he wants to buy this business, but there is no way to guarantee that the business will still be profitable next year with the condition of the economy being what it is.
  15. From McCain's FLorida FInance co-chair (Classy guy). If this were an OBama guy msending the joke about the McCains it would be leading every major networks news tonight and Fox news for the next week or two. Top Tampa GOP Figure Circulates Joke About Killing Obama Posted Oct 15, 2008 by William March Updated Oct 15, 2008 at 05:58 PM Al Austin, a longtime, high-level Republican fundraiser from Tampa, today sent to his list of political contacts an e-mail containing a joke that refers to the assassination of Barack Obama. When asked about the e-mail, Austin said it was a mistake and a
  16. So is the ticket to the US voluntary. There is nothing on earth forcing anyone to stay in this country or even a particular state. not even in the perfect mythical 1950's when tax rates were over 90% at the top were people required to stay. No we all have the option of moving to whatever country will have us or to re-patriate to one of our ancesteral homelands. I think it was republicans who for the period 2001 - 2006 were continaully telling people if they don't like it leave, and of course at other periods in our history too. I won't go that far I'll just say the options are always on
  17. I guess I was wrong (A phrase republicans do not utter), so apparently that taints everything Vote Palin!
  18. I benfit more too by about $400, but I lose in the long run because of reasosn stated before. In 2007 data the top 5% is somewhere between 150K & 200K. Top 1.5% is over 250,000 which is actually where I meant to hit for my comments.
  19. So you are a 5%'er. Great, but I did put a caveat in my statement about possibly being wrong that there are none on this board.
  20. The republicans have a new campaign hittin Bidens comemnt on paying your taxes. Friedman had a pretty good oped on it recently... Palin
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