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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. The eras that conservatives seem to point to with love and awe is the 1950
  2. Is it socialist for the US governemnt to be spread all over the world providing corporate security to American companies? Afterall what is protecting American interests all about anyway? And I thought this for years even as I was serving. I fully agree with old Smedly on this one.
  3. I am lightened up I'm in a good mood. I sense a landslide and a 60 seat senate. Ditto: I do the same with Brittney Spears, Chuck Norris, Ted Nugetn and Angelina Jolie's dad Careful, this could backfire on you, have you seen the footage out of the McCain rallies?
  4. Because that's apparently what I do? resent whacked out crazy theories with no bais in fact? Like ...ah never mind.
  5. Their Shows? Thier new music? They could be exceptiosn too. Generally reunions, to me at least, are as embarassing as my typing.
  6. Gee, you busted me. Is who me by the way? What did I say?
  7. I think the reunion that should happen is...none. To me they usually seem to have the appearance of a cash grab or the bands become a caracature of their former selves. They hit the road playing the old stuff and invariably the new stuff they supply us with just dosn't usually cut it. Of course that does not always apply as the Dino Jr reunion album was pretty good. But too often the bands broke up because they were done at the time and needed to move on.
  8. Ahh never mind Oh Ok she looked a lot like the older one to me.
  9. Not quite like Palin has. Those kids are everywhere except in bed by 9:00 or at school. Quite the Palin defender. Being the true conservative that you are I would think that you would have little use for the rhetoric filled idea void Sarah Palin. Her best idea, her biggest asset is to emulate the noise she hears on the radio and replicate it for the masses.
  10. She's the one using her kids a a political tool. Hockey Mom indeed. Though I will say it's not fair to the kids. Is it just me or does her daughter not look as pregnant as she did during the republican national convention? Back then they showed various shots of her and she ws definately showing, but on that Flyers video she did not look preggers, and those were not maternity jeans and a big sweater to hide it, those were regualr clothes.
  11. In 1980 when Reagan was running he showed up at my school's (College) homecoming parade. It was a Sat morning and my buddy was too not ready to get up early so he was going to watch the parade fom his dorm room window...Watterson Towers for those familiar with ISU. Anyhow he was watching the parade out his window through Binoculars while lying in bed when there came a knock at the door, and a helacopter appeared in front of the window at the same time. It was the secret service and the hall RA coming to pay him a visit and ensure he was not a nefarious character. And this from a pearch abo
  12. Fixed it. You know this "thier entitled to their opinion thing is something I believe in. But I forget who said it, but they may be entitled to their own opinion, but they are not entitled to their own facts. And when the facts are so horribly wrong all it can do is send thos eopinions over the edge. And that is what is happening in America today. Sadly it's being perpetuated by the media through fox and the talk radio noise machine and the mainstream media has not done enough to debunk or correct these errors of fictional facts. I think the mainstream media has become so cowed by the r
  13. I applaud McCain for trying to take a stand and do the right thing. When these people say they scared and Obama's an arab McCain almost looks deflated as he responds. I felt bad for him it's almost as if he had no idea about the type and the depth of the disinformation out there or the hositility it was raising. BTW the attack dog was at it again today. Listening to her speak is very grating. She must be a major Hannity fan because that's who she reminds me of.
  14. Yes they are but I'm just showing the types of people who are caught up in the whole misinformation campaign and believing it. From the local Anchorage news paper, check out the video partway down on the statements made re: trooper gate, it includes a taped telephone call... http://www.adn.com/troopergate/story/552799.html
  15. The other day at school my daughter and a couple friends were talking and my daughter made a comment about people being born gay. One girl (these are HS kids BTW) immediately snapped at her that people are not born gay, they choose to be gay and that all gay people were molested as children. The third person in the conversation asked if the girl was saying his grandmother or grandfather was a child molestor because his aunt is gay? Anyhow they went back and forth about it a bit and the kid was unmovable in her position, it's what she learns at home and in church. I suggested to my daughter
  16. Intersting that David Gergan wrote an op-ed calling ont he McCain camp to tone it down as he thinks it could lead to real violence. Also Fox news did poll and found that the Ayers/terrorist angle is not helping McCain. I really think it only energizes and infuriates the base. But having 30% of the country goining unhinged is a lot of people.
  17. Absentee Ballots in NY are being sent out with Barack Osama on them. Typo is what the excuse is, even though s & b are nowhere near each other and whatever happend to proof reading?
  18. It benfits him by driving him fro his job making millions in the NBA and into a life where he is scorned for cheating and for having AIDs. Umm, I guess it does not benefit him.
  19. There are several well reasoned conservative writers I enjoy reading. I don't always agree with them but they are usually well written and they don't fly off to the extreme's like some. George Will and David Brooks being two of them. Bill Kristol woul dbe an example of one I can not stomach. I woudl like to see that out there in the mainstream press also. However many of today's style conservatives have no clue who Buckley was, the conservative elite do, but not the rank and file so much. I have a feeling this op-ed was published where it was published so it would not hit the light of d
  20. William F Buckley's son defects... The son of William F. Buckley has decided
  21. I wonder what do you expect from me? That I will see the brilliance of your arguments (in Kwall
  22. Nah, George Bush & his part stole our country. Nice McCain Supporter here: http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/...g.politics.wfmy No parkin For Obama Supporters?
  23. What does the code of ethics for realtors say about this? Does it say there are exceptions because you feel enforcement is ineffectual? If not then perhaps you are part of the problem you describe? I've refused to do client work because of less ethical breeches. Heck we did an audit and gave an unfavorable opinion which is unheard of. Why? Because we as a profession have a set of professional sandards to adhere to. Granted AA and others have breached those standards and paid the price, but the standards still remain and are actually tougher these days from the new standards on preparer
  24. I know you did and I'm not arguing. I love Pete too and maybe came across as more confrontational than I want to. Probably a carryover from another thread
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