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John Smith

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Everything posted by John Smith

  1. One of the most outrageous interpretations of Beatles music I have ever heard... John, Paul, Ringo and George W.? Music to a conservative's ear By David Benkof Periodically, when people find out that a conservative Republican like me loves the Beatles, they're confused. After all, the Beatles have come to symbolize the liberal, even libertine, 1960s. Haven't I listened to the lyrics of songs such as Revolution? Yes, I have. Have you? (Photo - With the Beatles: Paul McCartney, Ringo Starr, John Lennon and George Harrison in the
  2. So please could you educate me on the specific plans that scare the crap out of you and why? Are these proven failures the very programs/policies that caused our economy to boom in the 1980
  3. Though I wouldn't know a Dave Mathews song if he were sitting here playing it to me himself, I do feel bad for Leroi and his family.
  4. In our country today that is an understatement. There has been a minor war on thinking anf reasoning in our country for quite some time. Education and educational institutions are looked upon with scorn in the political commentary. It seems to be more important for people to think they like a candidate or think that they feel the candidate has the right feel for things rather than does the candidate have the intellectualy ability to run the country. Or to think of it in other terms we have come to like candidates who think like we do, but if it comes down to it a hiring comitte for a fortu
  5. That's not what I said, but if that's what you read, then go for it. But fact is Gore destroyed bush in the debates and exposed him for what he truely is but blew it with his behavior.
  6. In 2000 Gore Blew Bush out of the water when it came to answering the questions and providing thought out coherent answers. Gore's debate error was when Bush would give a non-sensical answer Gore would look flabberghasted, roll his eyes, sigh loudly etc... In other words Gore was doing something constantly while Bush was answering and it cost him with the voters.
  7. I don't think the debates will change things too dramtically. Way back in 2000 it was clear who performed better, yet...
  8. I disagree with those who say all Obama supporters are sheep, or that Obama is an empty suit devoid of Ideas. Every political candidate has some lemmings who will follow them anywhere under any circumstances. How large a percentage of their followers that is depends on the candidate. Obama is no different. Some of his followers are the wide eyed worshipers, some are those who are going to vote Dem regardless of whether it is Obama or someone else. Ditto for McCain, though I would venture to say that McCain probably has more voters who will vote R under any circumstances than he has voters
  9. In the liner notes for the latest version of waiting for columbus they talk about how much they redid too. I think for the 70's this was not too uncommon. Still love WFC though.
  10. Sitting in front of some of My cd's here are a few more good ones: Many don't care fr it, but I like it because of it's raggedness: Aerosmith Live Bootleg. Genesis Seconds Out - No Peter but very majestic sounding. Good Prog Rock. Concert For Bangladesh Joe Jackson - Big World Joe Jackson - Live 80/86 Black Crowes/Jimmy Page Live at the Greek Skynyrd - One More from the Road Bob Marley Live Metallica S&M - Love the symphony with their music
  11. I like Ryan Stiles or Crispin Glover for Riff Raff. There has to be a part somewhhere in this movie for either Neve Campbell or Parker Posey.
  12. Love the Ian Hunter Live one as well as the remixed, re-released extended Mott The Hoople Live one. I used to like Jethro Tull quite a bit in the 1970's, but I never cared for Bursting Out, it just never grabbed me.
  13. Interesting. DO any of these guys have any albums out that I might have heard of?
  14. I prefer Weld to Live Rust. Weld is simply Crazy Horse at it's post-Whitten best.
  15. He is definately dead now. Very strange, so sad for the families involved.
  16. this is spin. Of course the system is on paper defensive. But if it ever worked the way it is proposed it essentially takes away one nations first strike capability and it takes away their retaliatory capability. The best offese is a good defense that allows you to dictae the game. And this system is not in place to protect Europe from Iran or Korea. Europe and Korea have no issues, all their issues are for the most part with the US Ditto for Iran. Sure those countries might naturally align themselves with the US, but we are actively pushing the issue. In spite of the rhetoric our adm
  17. While it is True that the current aggression started with the Georgia/South Ossetia situation and Russia
  18. Or perhaps the US is the one who supplied the beer? McLovin if you will.
  19. Sorry but this thread has to be at least partially about Bush nothing happens in a vaccum... Back in 2005, speaking before a crowd of more than 150,000 exuberant Georgians cheering "Bushi! Bushi!", President Bush made a promise to the people of that former Soviet republic: "The path of freedom you have chosen is not easy, but you will not travel it alone. Americans respect your courageous choice for liberty. And as you build a free and democratic Georgia, the American people will stand with you." So when Georgia made a move to militarilly get their breakaway province of Osettia (sp?) bac
  20. Not the "Happy Birthday Diana Rigg" thread I thought it was goig to be.
  21. Take the whole POW issue off the table for a minute and look at McCain as he is. Look at what he has done and how he has done it, is he a likeable guy? How he dumped his first wife and married the rich girl is not a very good indicator. Now bring back the POW issue, is he exploiting his own status as a POW for personal gain? Is the sum of what he iis so heavily weighted by being a POW 40 years ago thhat it overrides all about him today?
  22. You know this thread is a perfect example of how we end up electing unqualified shitheads (I'm looking at you George Bush). We as the electorate let the media and the various campaigns lead us down pathways that have little real relevance. We bite the lies hook line and sinker if the lies say what we want to hear. We buy the stories and tales about what is and isn
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